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MUST READ!!!!!!!!

Date : March 11, 2011 
Place: Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai 
Hare Krishna! 
This is a very inspiring story of a simple young devotee boy from Mumbai, who is in the verge of leaving his body at Bhaktivedanta Hospital. 
Anoop Banerjee, born in 1st June 1983, is from a Bengali Family. He has lived most of his life in Jogeshwari, a western suburb in Mumbai. His family (members) are  not ISKCON devotees or followers, but have a  favourable disposition. 
From their very old memories way back in 1989-90, W

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Sri Balarama Purnima Pictures - Queens, New York

Sri Balarama Purnima Festival in Queens, New York - Pictures!


For more and bigger pics go here:

Dandavats.com  http://www.dinkypage.com/153953

Sri Balarama Sahasranama 

Text 4 (b)

atha dhyanam

hala-musala-visalam kama-palam


I glorify Lord Balarama, decorated with a
glittering crown, bracelets, tinkling ornaments, moving locks of hair on His
cheeks, splendid earring

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Prison Programs Outside USA

Hare Krsna dear devotees!

It's my great pleasure to present a new addition to the IPM website; article about prison preaching programs outside USA!

Here is the link you can follow to read the 3 articles just added: http://www.iskconprisonministry.us/taxonomy/term/68

Be sure to click on the titles or on "read more" so you can see all the pictures included.

Thank you all for your amazing support!

If you want to receive IPM NEWS, our monthly electronic newsletter, please send us an e-mail with “Subscrib

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Lord Balarama is Krishna ‘s elder brother and His appearance day takes place on the full moon day (purnima) in the month of Sridhara month Balarama, two weeks before Krishna Janmashtami. This day is celebrated in Vrindavana and Mathura region. Particularly at the Dauji Temple, where Balarama resides with His consort Revati.


Krishna and Balarama were the darlings of Vrindavan/ Vraja. Together They would spend the day enjoying the company of the cowherd boys in the forests of Vraja. Their wonderfu

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Annamrita - ISKCON Food Relief Foundation Newsletter - Issue 5 - July 2012

Happy Children at Pune


Annamrita's tasty Khichdi now reaches the Oxford of the east


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Hare Krsna, dear devotees!


Below is a beautiful and moving letter from inmate Bhakta Mark. I hope you will be as touched as I was when I read it. This is the type of letter that inspires me to keep doing this service. There are real people out there, who are in such a dreadful situation, people who suffer, locked in with the worst of characters and under very severe, oftentimes brutal conditions, and they long for something more, something that will help them transcend the miseries they are forc

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2514876017?profile=originalBy Devaki devi dasi

All of us chant the maha-mantra, but how much are we struggling to come to the platform of purely chanting the holy name. This struggle is so important for we all contend with constant stimulation from our mobile phones and the Internet that often distract us from relishing the holy name, our most valuable jewel.

At times we may have to admit that we don't take our chanting as the most important activity in our life.

Bhaktivinoda Thakur describes in Harinam Cintamani how ina

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Gomata- Indigenous Cow or Exotic Cow?


By Vrndavanlila Devi Dasi - Dr. Vrinda Baxi

This celestial cow is the mother of the entire universe [matrah sarva bhutanam / gavah sarv sukh prada], she can sustain the complete creation, she is dharma herself, in the form of milk she provides “liquid religiosity”, just by her service one attains dharma, artha, kama and moksha. She is so sacred that all the demigods, munis etc. have taken permanent place in her body, and whose even excreta is considered as gold. The panchagavyas (milk, curd, ghee

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Thought Of The Day

Everything is product of Krsna, energy. So we are not worshiping stone. We are worshiping Krsna in a form which is tangible for us, that's all. Not that Krsna is stone. Krsna is stone also, because stone is nothing but Krsna's energy. So in this way you should understand what is Krsna consciousness. Don't remain foolish Perfect knowledge. Perfect knowledge. Kasmin tu bhagavo vijnate sarvam idam vijnatam bhavati. Simply if you understand Krsna, everything will be known to you. And if you actually

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Anyone can Preach

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada


His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
For lecturing, any one of our members can speak. Simply one has to memorize the purports and then speak in one's own language. For anyone who chants and follows the rules and regulations, where is the anxiety? You are an old, experienced devotee, so you behave like this and teach her to do so wherever you may stay. (Letter to Revatinandana Swami. 7 November 1975.) 
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The Legend of Vishnujana Maharaja

                                                                         By Patita Pavana das Adhikary

2514874642?profile=originalThe soulful sankirtan of Shri Vishnujana Maharaja illuminated the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles , and then across the States, from the earliest days of Krishna consciousness.  Today his uplifting bhajans and melodious kirtans still echo in the halls of ISKCON centers around the world.  There was never a more faithful servant of Shrila Prabhupada, and the fortunate Vaishnavas who serve

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On this historic anniversary of incorporation of ISKCON in New York we are publishing a website - www.vedicsearch.com.

This comprehensive list of Hare Krishna websites / links is meant to help you find Krishna conscious content faster and more accurately.

In case you know websites that we have yet not listed, please write to padmavati.udecha@gmail.com. Your feedback will help us serve the devotees & webmasters better.
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Siksha Guru on all my way

The Srimad Bhagavatam speaks of a great king named Yadu. Once when he was travelling through a forest he saw an Avdhut, a person who apparently was a social outcaste. He was laying in the forest like a python. From a material and from a social consideration, he was a failure. But Yadu, being a religious man, could see the person was bright faced and happy, more happy than anyone he had ever met. So he asked, “How is it that despite the poverty, you are so happy? Who is your guru? Where did you l

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The story we are about to hear begins with Arjuna, seated under a tree on the bank of the Yamuna, expressing a desire to his friend Krishna. He wants to know secrets even Shiva and Brahma do not know. How many gopis are there? What categories do they belong to? What are their names? Where do they live? What do they do? What is their age? How do they dress? And where does Krishna revel with them in seclusion? These are some of the things that Arjuna wants to know.

As usual, Krishna responds more t

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Taiwan Miracle Story

Taiwan Miracle Story


Yashoda Mata’s 85-year-old foster father passed away two months ago. During his stay in the hospital, Yashoda Mata prepared a tape recorder and played the Hare Krishna mahamantra all day long in his ward. Her foster father was actually in semi-coma, but miraculously when he heard the mahamantra, gradually he awoke and with closed eyes he appeared to enjoying the music and the sound vibration. He started to follow the tempo by tapping his hand on the edge of his bed. His finge

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Mahanidhi Maharaj's Purushottama Month Article & Katha Schedule



2012 18TH AUG - 17TH SEPT

Purusottama month, or adhika masa (extra month) is also called mala masa, which means dirty or useless month. In India the sadhus, sadhakas and pious people of all sampradayas (Vaisnvava and Advaitan) undertake serious penances and austerities (vratas) during Purusottama Month. Now let us examine the nam

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Question: Vivekananda, Football, and Eggplant?

I wanted to know what is your view (the Vaishnava view) of Swami Vivekananda's quote that it is better to play football than to read the Bhagavad-gita.

Also, he had a similar view on the Tulasi plant wherein he recommends to grow an eggplant instead.

Thank you very much,
Your servant,

Deepanshu R.

Answer: Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, and Tulasi

My view, your view, his view--these are all useless speculations. Therefore we must find out what is the view

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Comments: 15

Freewill of a Molecule

By Vrndavanlila Devi Dasi
 (Dr Vrinda Baxi)

The tussle between “freewill” and “destiny” has been primordial. There is one famous Greek play titled “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles. The main character Oedipus has the tragic destiny of marrying his own mother revealed to him by the soothsayer. Shaken by the revelation, he decides to escape his fate by leaving his royal parents and his kingdom, but ironically the more he tries to give a slip, nearer he gets to the prediction. Finally the fate takes the bet

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Sri Harinam Mandir Traveling Temple!

Our group of brahmacaris from Sri Harinam Mandir in Tallinn, Estonia departed on the 15th of May 2012 on two vans to a whole summer long European Harinam Sankirtan tour. And traveling with us are the wonderful Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra.
In April, in Estonia we had our very first 3 day long Kirtana Mela festival with around 150 devotees taking part.
Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra came to Tallinn and were installed during this grand festival.
Now the Deities are trave

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New Album from Bhaktivedanta Band

New Album from Bhaktivedanta Band


You've been waiting, and now it's Here!
New Album Release - God's Love!

From Ekalavya Das & Bhaktivedanta Band Rock, Blues, Jazz, Hip Hop, House, Hare Krishna!
Available Now For Download!
$10 Donation Only!


Features Hare Krishna Mahamantra, and English songs by H.G. Radheshyam Das (Pune), H.G. Chaitanya Charan Das (Pune), and H.G. Ekalavya Das (Kolkata).
This is album is dedicated to His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swa

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