Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Mahesh Kumar Gandhi's discussion MIND GOES BERSERK WHILE NAM JAPA
"Hare Krishna Denisse Jonsson! We both and probably many others are in the same boat. It seems the phenomena is a natural occurance and it is not a problem.
On my analysis I find an answer to it that : At present my mind wants to engage 50% in…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to nimmi's discussion family involvement in Krishna Bhakti
"Hare Krishna ! Sri Radhaji Probably you have misunderstood when I said you have only one relative that is Krishna. I am sorry, but that is the naked truth. Nobody is saying to dump our material world relatives, friends, acquaintances just like that.…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Amrita Saxena's discussion Planetary movements - Kundalis etc
"Hare Krishna Amrita, again the same thing. You are believing in yourself : you will meet a guy, you will decide he is good, you will find out he is not good or right person for you, after very long time you will come to know of this.
Now where is…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Partha-sarathi dasa's discussion Sudden Pass away of Aindra prabhu!
"Hare Krishna, Bhaktin Carol We are accepted in Vaikuntha Dhaam only when all our desires vanish. So the soul has no desires and it remain in Vaikuntha dhaam without any type of wishes, no sorrows, no pleasures, no other feelings whatsoever, although…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Mahesh Kumar Gandhi's discussion MIND GOES BERSERK WHILE NAM JAPA
"Hare Krsna Prabhuji, Dandavat Pranam. I wonder what led you to write such words about my mind. I know you can not think bad about a devotee. Maybe you have got some other meaning from what I have written. This english language can not express…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to nimmi's discussion family involvement in Krishna Bhakti
"Hare Krishna ! It sounds harsh to hear that : You (soul) have only one relative and that is Krishna. All other relations that you presumed are only temporary for the present life only, till you or they are alive or even shorter period. Norrmally…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to nilesh4peace's discussion Sucide Effects, need help please
"Hare Krishna ! Prabhuji Fine thought. Krihna's mercy be always on you. No offense, no arguments."
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to nilesh4peace's discussion Sucide Effects, need help please
"Answer to Para (2) of your reply: What do you mean by this :

1) Devotional service I not an activity of the material world; it is directly under control of Radharani.
2) Lord krshna is protected by daivi prakriti

Answer to Para (3) of your reply:…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Partha-sarathi dasa's discussion Sudden Pass away of Aindra prabhu!
"Hare Krishna ! The pain, the sorrow and the joys that i being shown towards other human being is of a temporary nature and vanihes with the flow of time. You try to analyse with a peaceful mind, whom do you love the most : Yourself or some of your…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Amrita Saxena's discussion Planetary movements - Kundalis etc
"Hare Krsna Amrita ! You have used the word " i " nine times and the word " Krsna" Two or Three times. This shows your level of faith in yourself and Krsna. In my opinion you have not completely surrendered to Krsna. This is evident when you write :…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to cindrella's discussion Is marriage important?
"Hare Krishna,
I have delayed in replying to you. There is a very thin line of difference between Sense Gratification and duties performed for Krsna. From your reply it seems that you are confused on the topic and are mixing up different subjects.…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Indrajeet's discussion Meditation OR Chanting
"Hare Krsna!
Aum denotes owner of the Universes, Parmatma Lord Krsna only. Hare means Radhe Rani. Probably you have a wrong notion that a Mantra must have Aum word otherwise it is not a Mantra. But that is not the case. You probably are confused…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to Mahesh Kumar Gandhi's discussion MIND GOES BERSERK WHILE NAM JAPA
"Hare Krishna !
You have diagnosed the problem correctly. I am relieved and won't bother now even if my mind recieves other thoughts while chanting My lord Krishna's name. Thank you very much for the guidance."
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to preeti devi dasi's discussion dancing & chanting loudly is gunaah -- specially for mathaji
"Hare Krishna, with due respect where is it written that ladies are not allowed in sankirtan mandli by Nitai Gaur? Where from do you got the mesage that women should not do sankirtan? " Peace, caring nature, loving behavoir,self respect, having deep…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to nilesh4peace's discussion Sucide Effects, need help please
"Hare Krishna ! What we are discussing is aimed towards motivating the depressed person not to commit suicide. The person Shri N.B.Pawar has floated the discussion for general knowledge. It does not mean that he is depressed and going to commit…"
May 15, 2019
Mahesh Kumar Gandhi replied to nilesh4peace's discussion Sucide Effects, need help please
"Hare Krishna Sanvi Devi Dasi ! Most people as you said feel lonely. It is because they do not have faith in Lord Krishna. All they want is happiness. Whether they achieve it from Krishna or this material world, they don't mind. In this world all…"
May 15, 2019