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  • Hare Krishna Prabhu.

  • Volunteer

    Pranam Prabhu. Hare Krishna.

    May you be blessed with devotion,
    dedication and determination throughout your life. 
    With love and best wishes, take care, bye.
  • Volunteer

  • Hare Krishna Prabhu.

  • All Glories to Shila Prabhupada.
    All Glories to Guru & Gauranga.
    All Glories to Go-Mata.
    Dear,Radhkrishna Prabhuji

    Please accept my Humble obeisances , I do hope this meet you on good health.

    My name is Asitdas,year 1980 to 1985 I was Brahmachari in Iskcon Movement,
    Ride now I am in shelter of H.H.Radhanath Swami & disciple .My life's goal
    is only to Save Cow, Save Earth (Soil) & Save Desi Bija(seeds), its non-hybrid seeds
    this is Krishna Consciousness service for me.

    But from last 20 years study Indian Cow Breed & organic farming.Last
    12 years happen to the co-ordinater (central India) for Bhartiya Go-vansh Rakshan Parishad.
    Running Kamdhenu Kutumbkam its save Cow, save Earth,Save Desi Bija(seeds) movement.
    I conducts seminar of natural Farming Proses (vedic way) & desi seed Bank for farmers.

    So, Prabhuji I want to point out few things ,those are taking away us from
    Bhakti & Sadhana. Those are Very essential in our life i.e. grains,vegetables,fruits,milk.
    We know all these are totally contaminated , we thinks all are Sim's to vegetarian.
    Unfortunately they not vegetarian, because all these G.M.O. grains, vegetables,fruits are
    contains animal gene like fish,hog,spider,cockroach,any animals. Also our milk form hybrid
    cow means cow-baffle-hog . So please thinks if we take such so called veg. food, what will
    happen to our consciousness.Certainly this 'Ahara' will effects Krishna Consciousness & devotee's life
    in Iskcon movement. How we will achieve Sadhana & Bhakti. All we are aware of this results in our Iskcon.

    Shila Prabhupada knew this will happen in future. He always mention in his Books about
    Go-Raksha & self sufficient farming community for our every centers around the world, to get
    desi cow milk, organic desi food for devotees.But Iskcon centers tried lot according to Shila Prabhupada's wish.
    Unfortunately they do not get proper guidance for Natural way of farming. For ex. in year 80-90 all
    Iskcon farms go for hybrid seeds,chemical fertilizers & pesticides ,hybrid cow (jars i/ho stein), but ride now quit few
    are turn to organic farming, Desi Cows (Indian Cows) with hump.

    Still their is time to improve our way of farming techniques with cow. Someone has to come forward
    began this process of natural farming way then slowly gradually other will follow. It is very easy, by help
    of only one cow need to cultivate 10 arcs of farmland.This is totally unbelievable theory. From this
    Natural Farming you will get desi grains-vegetables-fruits in few years . So the Devotees
    will get 'Satavik Anna' towards to achieve Bhakti & Sadhana.

    I have given many years of life for Natural Farming expriments, Desi Seed Bank, please take advantage
    all Farming Communities of Iskcon. Mail me, invite me learn Natural Farming technics ,
    Certainly I will spare time to teach natural farming your community.

    service of Lord Krishna

  • Volunteer

  • Hari Bol Prabhu! I have read your blog and noticed that some of the devotees in Malaysia follow your blog and they circulate in our email group. Its due to your way of writing which makes us want to read more. Keep up your great work in distributing your knowledge about this Sankirtan Movement and executing your services to Lord Nittai-Gauranga! Hare Krsna! =)

  • HARI BOL.  thanx prbhu ji.

  • Hare Krishna Prabhuji

  • Thanks for the b'day wishes :)

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