2an8tdfoll48k's Discussions (86)

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Hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam.

While reading the book Krishna I came to Know there are different types of liberation as

1. Sarupya 2. Salokya 3. Sarsti 4. Samipya 5. Sayujya. 

Will anyone show me the light by explaining these individually?

Hari Bol !!!!


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Krishna never left Vrindavan

Hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam,

 In Chaitanya Charitamrita , Mahaprabhu told: "Krishna, son of Nanda Maharaj never left Vrindavan."

who then gave the knowledge of Gita to Arjuna in Kurukshetra ? why did the gopis lament when Akrura

took him to Mathura ? 

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Mind, Intelligence ,False Ego

Hare krishna ,

Dandavat Pranam,

After death we carry the mind , intelligence ,  false ego with us and get  the next  material body accordingly.The soul which goes back to godhead, does it carry these three with them ? If yes then how krishna tolerate f

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