Would the Greyhound bus station be a good place to pass out pamphlets about local Krsna Temple activities? Or would it be a waste of time since perhaps they are just visiting the city for a few days? What do you think?

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  • Volunteer

    yes good idea! If it is bus stand then people will have time to read something. Even if they do not take it serious at least they will read the Holy Names of Krishna and earn sukriti - spiritual karma. 

    As like our eyes run to attractive ad photos on the way even though we should not look at them in this way if Your posts will be colorful then people will be attracted. 

    Your servant, 

    • Thanks Bhaktin Maral. That's very true. I hadn't thought of that. Greyhound does not provide reading materials so people would probably be glad to have something to read.

  • Hare Krishna. Thanks to all for your comments.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna Pandor Hilson ji

    Where is this place? Will you please elaborate about the place and how is the location, in the sense, the number of people coming there and like that?


    • Hare Krishna. It is in Gainesville, Florida USA. There is not a lot of people but it is close to where I live. I think I will go to the Grey hound station and find out what time the buses arrive and then I can see how many people actually get off the bus. Thanks. I need to check it out.

      • haribol prabhu;

        Anywhere one can spread the name of Krsna is a good place, but I think that is good place to start, I pray that Krsna continue to give his blessing to you and continue the good work


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