Will This Help Vrindavan ?


Namaste ,

Here we go again, more plans to change Vrindavana forever. In some ways this can be helpful, but from what I have seen, in other ways this will be a nightmare. And property prices will sky rocket, more so than they have already, and traffic will become insurmountable. No more a nice little Vrindavan town.
I saw something similar in Guruvayoor in South India. When I first went there about 20 years ago, there were only two guesthouses in town and only one reason to go there, which was to visit the temple. When I went back there a few years ago, there were so many hotels, amusements, restaurants, and oh yes, don't forget you could still go to the temple.
Hare Krishna.

Yadav government announces plans to make Vrindavan a “tourist hub”

Asian Age: The Akhilesh Yadav government is preparing an ambitious blueprint for the development of Mathura-Vrindavan, the birthplace of Lord Krishna, as a major tourist destination.
Chief minister Akhilesh Yadav has asked various departments, including tourism, PWD, power, housing and forest, to develop the blueprint and present it to him at the earliest. The housing department ahs been appointed as the nodal authority for the implementation of the blueprint.
According to official sources, a sum of `600 crores has been earmarked for upgradation and maintenance of roads in the twin holy cities and also roads linking the Govardhan Parbat, Kosi, Barsana, Nandgaon and Vrindavan-Chattikara-Radhakund.
“The chief minister wants Mathura Vrindavan to be developed at par with other religious destinations like Vaishno Devi and Tirupati temple. This will create a major tourist hub within the state and attract worshippers of Lord Krishna from across the world. Ayodhya and Varanasi do not offer much scope for expansion since the major temples in these cities are located inside narrow lanes but Vrindavan poses no such problem and there is ample scope for development,” said a senior official.
The blueprint for Mathura-Vrindavan will include widening of roads, proper electrification, tree plantations, development of low cost hotels, public toilets, clean drinking water facilities, renovation of ghats, preservation of heritage buildings, efficient transport system and maintenance of parks.
Interestingly, to ensure that there is no politics in the development of Mathura Vrindavan, the chief minister has asked officials to convene a meeting of all local MPs and MLAs as soon as the development plan is finalized.
‘Mr Akhilesh Yadav is keen to invite suggestions from all local MPs and MLAs, irrespective of their political affiliations, so that development work does not attract criticism later on. This is one project that is linked to the sentiments of millions of Hindus and the chief minister does not want any irritants in it,” the official added.
The blueprint for development of the holy cities is expected to be finalized by the end of May and work is expected to commence after monsoon.
The Mayawati government, it may be recalled, had also drawn up a plan for development of Mathura-Vrindavan but the same could never be implemented.


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  • Sevak

    Haribol !

    This would certainly attract the tourists and help all the devotees access vrindavan and mathura much more easily and hopefully more frequently. If there is also adequate emphasis on spiritual aspects certainly this would be very valuable for the entire planet.

  • Volunteer

    motive is good, but suggestion should be taken from four bonafide Vaishnava Sampradayas, rather than taking things from minister who are not devotee of Krishna, Because Devotee's suggestion will be most effective and will be pleasurable for Krishna's Vrindavan , else there may be a risk of Vrindavan becoming a City of concrete, where Sadhu will have no place to live life in peace

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