Why laws of karma are so strict?

Some people are there who are not inclined to do sin of any kind, but they are forced by external factors to commit those, either forcefully or due to having no other way, but they are still punished by laws of karma, Without any consideration for their situation or intention due to which they had to commit sin, why such rule is made by god? Let me give some examples,


 an innocent man who's wife is pregnant, they got to know from doctor that their son/daughter is going to be psychologically disturbed or physically disabled or deaf blind and totally diseased for lifetime, The person is also poor to give lifelong treatment, and The doctor and his relatives advise him to abort the child. But even then the person is pious and doesn't want to do this. Still the whole society and relatives are against him and forces him to do abortion by giving thousands of logics. And due to all this, Finally the person and his wife has to agree for abortion by being forced and also influenced by society. Now, Even though he didn't wanted to do such a grave sin,  People made him do, The Maya and kalyug has invented such  doctors who support all this, so what's the fault of that person in it? Why should he get the karmic reaction if he was not inclined to do all that, but forced by others. shouldn't The demoniac doctors and society members should get karmic reaction for this sin?




A child suicides after failing multiple exams. Again, The Demoniac society, Leaders have created such a education system that if someone gets failed, everyone creates such a situation for that person that he has to forcefully suicide, otherwise he has to live in society without any respect and dignity. So why he should be punished by laws of nature for crime of suicide? He didn't wanted to do it, he had a proper reason for that, already he suffered due to society, now laws of nature are making him suffer by not giving another body and living as ghost. It was all due to the human made education system that made innocent child did suicide. He should get forgiveness by Karma in such situation.



If a person after fighting many years with cancer like disease in which lot of pain is there each second, he commits suicide after being fed up, why should he be punished by laws of nature? He didn't did suicide due to any lust greed or anger, he was just forced to do it due to too much suffering, He would never done that if God atleast gave some help to him so that he could relived from pain. After all, who wants to die? 


So, The point is that even a person doesn't want to do sin, the elements of material world force him to do sin, either due to destiny or anything, and then make him responsible and punishable for it. This shouldn't happen. The Law of karma should atleast consider these things. Innocent people who don't have much knowledge, or are not favoured by destiny to get knowledge from devotees, will be easily influenced by various influencers in material world like scientists and society. And unnecessary they will be liable to go hell.



So can anyone please explain this system made by God? Law of karma shouldn't be like fire, that anybody who touches will be burnt and all like that, i wish it could be an intelligent law that considers each and every situation of a soul's act and then decides punishment or reward. otherwise it seems like that Krsna didn't directly interfere in laws of nature and, just handed over this thing to Maya, or nature, who is kinda cruel, and ruthlessly judges acts without considering situations. It should only punishe those whose intentions are corrupt or those who are doing sins even after having knowledge. If God gave us human body, then he should atleast sanction the pains and problems in a limited way so that person doesn't have to mentally or physically fed up and end up in suicide or other heinous sins. 

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    To add, I will analyse each of the situations mentioned by you:

    an innocent man who's wife is pregnant.....- why is it that this child is only going to be born abnormal? What was the karma of the child to develop these abnormalities even before coming out of the womb? What karma parents did to get this kind of child? 

    Can you answer any of these questions? No na. We only have limited visibility and even more limited knowledge. We want to judge everyone with that limited knowledge. That is the issue.

    A child suicides after failing multiple exams.....- show me one person who doesnt fail at some stage in his or her life. So everyone who fails, is justified to commit suicide upon failure? Instead of seeing why the child is failing, blame the system that doesnt allow the child to pass exam, right? 

    If a person after fighting many years with cancer like disease.....same logic - moment one gets a terminal disease or a potentially terminal disease, one should commit suicide? How is that even logical? I agree, there is a lot of pain in illnesses, but if a soul is having to undergo this kind of pain in a particular body, there is a reason. Do you know what karma that soul did to get such a diseased body? Then how can we decide whether this level of suffering is justified or not, or the consequent suicide is justified or not?

    Now I will ask you few questions:

    1) Think of anyone who you consider to be great - study the life history of that person, regardless of whether alive today or not, how young today. Does anyone become great by being in a happy comfortable space all their life? What are inspiring stories all about? Arent they all about how one person struggled, ignored personal discomfort and continued/ persevered to achieve something great. Isnt it?

    2) Tell me one person who didnt have to face adversities in life. So by that logic, everyone is justified to commit suicide like irreversible extreme step? Do you think this is right?

    Read scriptures like Bhagavad Gita As It is, to understand difference between body and soul, and why we suffer, what to do when we suffer.

    Scriptures like Srimad Bhagawatam has stories about the lord and His devotees. Study them and find out why they are considered great. Is there anyone who had a very easy life, all through life, with no struggles? 

    Leave everyone else, study the life of Rama and Krishna. God Himself. As human beings, what They enjoyed? Born in jail, parents in chains, forced to cross river and go to other side in the middle of the night, when it is raining heavily and river is in spate, to take shelter of some other family, where parents will not be there to protect Him. Within 3 months, demons are attacking to take His life. Entire life, was it a happy situation to be in? Same with Rama avatar - morning woke up thinking I am getting coronated, in hours, banished to forests for 14 years, without any amenities, no servants, no mobile phone to call home and inquire, wife gets kidnapped, no idea who took, where took, how to fight back...was it easy. 

    So both Ram and Krsna would be justified in committing suicide - right?

    Prabhu, life is all about rising above difficult situations, making the best of a bad bargain. How to convert an adversity into an opportunity. That is what differentiates the common from the great. I understand its not possible for everyone to become great. Atleast they can tolerate their share of inconvenience and repent for past mistakes, known and unknown, which has landed them in that situation.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    Why laws of karma are so strict?

    The same reason the rules of prison are strict.

    an innocent man who's wife is pregnant

    It is highly unlikely that any living being in this world is innocent. 

    it seems like that Krsna didn't directly interfere in laws of nature and, just handed over this thing to 

    This understanding is perfect. Living beings chose to be in this world. Every adult knows that this world is not a nice place. Yet living beings choose to stay here. Why ?

    Maya, or nature, who is kinda cruel, and ruthlessly judges acts without considering situations.

    This world is an exact mirror of our consciousness. It is only the living being who is responsible for being in those situations. 

    If a driver breaks traffic signal because he is late for office, should police consider the situation or put a fine ? Isn't the driver responsible for being in the situation of being late ? There is no excuse, no running away from responsibility of being in whatever situation living being is. The material nature is impersonal and unbiased towards all. Living being is responsible for their own situation, action, results and suffering. No other particle in the creation is responsible for living being's predicament at anytime. If we can just understand this one principle and stop blaming Krsna or anyone else we can be liberated. 

    tat te ’nukampāṁ su-samīkṣamāṇo
    bhuñjāna evātma-kṛtaṁ vipākam
    hṛd-vāg-vapurbhir vidadhan namas te
    jīveta yo mukti-pade sa dāya-bhāk

    My dear Lord, one who earnestly waits for You to bestow Your causeless mercy upon him, all the while patiently suffering the reactions of his past misdeeds and offering You respectful obeisances with his heart, words and body, is surely eligible for liberation, for it has become his rightful claim. ( SB 10.14.8)

    It should only punish those whose intentions are corrupt or those who are doing sins even after having knowledge.

    But what about those who don't want to get such knowledge and want to commit sins in the bliss of ignorance ? 

    If God gave us human body, then he should atleast sanction the pains and problems in a limited way so that person doesn't have to mentally or physically fed up and end up in suicide or other heinous sins. 

      Living beings have unlimited diesires. Material natures fulfills those desires in material world. Material laws punish those who misuse free will. Krsna does not interfere with our free will. There is a way to get out 

    daivī hy eṣā guṇa-mayī
    mama māyā duratyayā
    mām eva ye prapadyante
    māyām etāṁ taranti te

    This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.(BG 7.14)

    Hare Krsna

    • Okay that seems little rude that only living entity is responsible for all situations and reactions. Anyways I'm trying to understand this and get the proper context. somehow hard to accept this fact 

    • Since specific answers were already given above, let me reflect a bit on this type of thinking, in the last 10-15 years or so affecting a whole generation of people. "The world isn't fair to allow us to enjoy!"
      Where does this strange view come from?
      The first source is avoiding the nature of this material world as duhkhalayam asasvatam.
      Sure, this has been common since time immemorial but the modern life is about hiding the suffering from people so their enjoyment isn't disturbed. It doesn't work though, obviously. It's a disinformation. Hiding problems or running away from them won't help.
      The second source is the modern upbringing. Parents are made to think by "experts" and media that making the life of their kids as easy as possible - so-called liberal upbringing without demands and punishments - is the best thing they can do for them. Yes, somewhere it's even forbidden to punish the kid to avoid "traumatizing". (I don't speak about abuse, that's a completely different thing.) The education standards are continuously lowered ("dumbing down") so "no one is left behind" and doesn't feel bad about oneself.
      The outcome? Kids are turning into lazy depressed weaklings unable to handle problems without psychologists and psychodrugs. Suicide rates steadily grow.
      So what is it all about? Sounds like a plan of asuras to undermine humans? Reflect on it and decide for yourself. Srila Prabhupada is pretty clear and no-nonsense in his books, for those who dare to read them.

      Hari Hari
      ys J.

      • The problem is too much controlling them by punishment, pains, sufferings etc make them even more revengeful and hateful towards God and shastras, then they will permanently turn away from god for infinite lives and vow to never surrender. The enjoying tendency will always be there and it will just mix up with independent enjoying. 

        • As I said, this is a recent problem and the "angry kid reaction" makes it only worse.
          "We can't break laws, we can only break ourselves against the laws." (an unknown wise person)

          "The enjoying tendency will always be there and it will just mix up with independent enjoying."

          This refers only to those still in samsara.

          "that seems little rude that only living entity is responsible for all situations and reactions"

          See BG 18.14.

          Hari Hari
          ys J.

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