
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna p

    most humble obeisances

    Krsna is reciprocating every moment with us, we just have to see with right vision. He is reciprocating according to our reciprocation with HIM. He says with the motive we approach Him, He reveals Himself like that. So it depends on our sincerity and intensity of devotion. If we are sincere, He will reciprocate fast. If we are callous, He will reciprocate accordingly.

    Please do not take ne offenses.

    Please forgive me if I said something that hurt.

    your servant

    • hello krsna!lord sri krsna is the on e who created us and he plays with us to test our development in krishna consciousness.we should wait till lord krsna appears.

      you would have known the story of krsna devotee meera bai.she also waited a lot for lord krsna and she got him.

      all we have to do is be sincere n his devotion and wait for him

      there was nothing wrong in asking about this.thank u for giving me this oppurtunity for answering a question about krsna.

      any doubts regarding this,u can reply me back.

      thanks krsna

  • Hare Krishna..

    To Chant his Divine Name is what we can do..

    i think, when or how To reciprocate or not is out of scope of the one who chants..

    Hari Bol..

    • Hare Krishna!!

      Forget about responses for material aspects.

      The question here is many times even pure devotees(having no material expectation) are desperate to see response from Lord Krishna.

      Have we not heard of Meera bai's story of how desperate she was to have a glimpse of Lord Krishna that she was wandering here and there in jungles ,in mountains, in valleys etc in the hope of seeing and talking to Lord Krishna face to face.

      I am pretty sure even pure devotees would be desperate to get response from Lord Krishna , it's just the matter of understanding God's language which seems really impossible/complicated.

      Hare Krishna

  • i think that great devotees never pray for any material aspects,they never liked disturbing their beloved krishna,that is why they asked blessings from gods,who were servants of krishna,thats why arjuna prayed shiva for pashupata.gods are powerful enough to grant boons to those who worshiped them,that power was given by krishna himself.devotees of gods,ie,those who wish material blessings can not reach the state of a pure krishna devotee.krishna will ignore our minor needs,but will never giveup our sincere prayers,thats because he wish to teach us the meaningless of material world and to check our devotion,and to increase our devotion,hare namah,hare krishna.

    • hare krsna..

      thank u soo much for this reply. it really helped me explain this concept to myself and my KC friends.

  • Sri advaita was able to call out to krishna,he envoked the mercy of lord vishnu,indeed it is described he awakened lord vishnu whom was in creative sleep!Thus Chaitanya mahaprabhu descended to inaugurate the sri krishna sankirtan movement!So sincerity is a prime prerequisite for devotees.Understanding the process is essential however ,we are situated within the seperated material energy of lord krishna.We are imprisoned within durga dharma.We are very minute ,filled with bad qualitys and bereft of spiritual qualifications necessary.SARANGATI or surrender to our gurus message is essential.....after initiation,we formalise this process of connection!

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