
  • Hare Krishna,

    Without His help you are not powered. The car is the body. The driver is the soul and the Energy for the soul is coming from the Supersoul. Soul cannot do anything on its own. typically Soul is doing nothing but enjoying the fruits / or suffering for the deeds  of the karma done by the body.  

    BG 2.2 purport:

    Kṛṣṇa is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, the source of both the Supersoul and the impersonal Brahman.

    Whether you do good or bad karma it is upto the mind and intellect but the source of energy is Supersoul. Soul ( self Jiva) is just enjoying the fruits of activites  done by the body.

    Supersoul is keeping an account of all the activities done by the Body also. Hisaab kitaab karega baad mein. :-)

    Hare Krishna

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