
Why and why?

Hare Krishna dear Devotees and ISKCON Desire Tree net Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please, forgive me for telling my problem in this way.

Why i can not send or reply to the messages of my Friends? Is there some technical problems? Or am i using very old styled Microsoft Windows XP...? (it is Microsoft Windows Service Pack 3)

 Thank You very much!

Your servant, maral

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  • Volunteer

    THANK YOU!!! IT IS DONE! :-)

  • Should not be an issue at all.

    We do it all the times in ISKCON desire tree office.

    Please send us your user name and password - to vaishnavasevadasa@gmail.com

    We will have a look at your profile settings

    Once done, we will inform you and you can change the password

    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! ok, i will do it, but it seems that i forgot my password even. Last time when i signed out and wanted to enter again could not do it, because of there are two accounts on my name.

      i called and You almost checked the problem but told that it works in Your side but does not in my side.

      one more problem is that i do not get any e-mail saying that someone answered to the particular discussion, but such like things are there in settings.

       thank You!

      Your servant.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna Maral mataji,  I often use internet cafes with XP  so i'm sure it must be some fault with the site.

    So how do we contact them and ask them to correct this fault?

    Has anyone got their phone number?

    Its always better to talk with them on the phone.     Hare Krsna

    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna His Grace Jagadatma Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      Thank You for Your reply! no, no, i use Internet at home, in one same computer, even maybe forgot my password because it enters automatically.

      i called and requested, Devotees checked but the same problem is still there.

      Your servant,

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