Where can I send my deities?

I am not taking proper care of my deities. I bought these deities many years ago with good intentions at that time. I always say I am going to start worshipping them properly but I never do. I am thinking I am committing so many offenses by not doing it properly. So where can I mail my deities to so they can get the proper worship that they need? Thanks

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  • Hi there Pandora,

       I was in a similar position many years ago. I had been worshiping Sri-Sri Gaura-Nitai deities in my home for some years, and then found myself overburdened with other details of life, and could not keep up proper worship of my altar.  I took my deities to the Temple and went right to the Boutique Shop and gave the Deities over there, knowing that the Shop could find another devotee who would greet Their Lordships into a new home.  Gaur-Nitai were in a new home that very day!

    We try to find our level at which can comfortably worship and serve Sri Krishna; sometimes we have to step back from an effort. Don't feel bad.  [Also, I usually give Posters online, like on this network, about a week to respond.  I didn't even see your question 'til just today.]

    All Glories to you Prabhu!

    • Hare Krishna Rankin. I appreciate your help. Thanks so much.

  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Mataji,

    which Deities You have? Can You please upload Their photo!

    Thank You!

    Your servant,

    • Hare Krishna. I do not know how to do photos on the computer. I  have Lord Nrsinghadeva, Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda. I heard years ago that if you are unable to care for your Deities you can put them in the ocean. I don't feel comfortable putting them in the ocean. I sure wish I could find them a good home where they could be worshipped properly.

      • Volunteer

        if You have phone You can take Their photo and copy it to Your computer.

        Then here above there are several buttons, like:

        link; image; video; T; B; I; S...

        if You just click to the second starting from left there will appear another small window and there is one more button "choose".

        When we select to choose we have to show where our photo situated then select ok and then reply.

        Your servant,

        • I don't have photos. Since no one will help me here I think I will just mail them to an ISKCON Temple and then they can decide what they want to do with them,

          • Please accept my apologies. I just now re-read my post and it is rude. I do understand that everyone here is trying to help me in their own way. Thanks to all for your comments.

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