The Keys areas I want the answers on the following:
> The Holocaust - Millions died, the victims were all innocent
> The Mid East Wars - Sadaam Hussein and Gadafi eliminated, but since then hundreds of thousands have dies and millions are suffering.
> Africa - The people from this continent are suffering for centuries
How does our scriptures explain this? Will really appreciate some input on this
also will appreciate it with reference to Bhagavad Gita
the root cause of suffering from BG the 2nd chapter and mentioned several times by Srila Prabhupada is mistakening material body as spirit soul. when this happens we say hes my enemy he did this to me he did that to me and my community hence I will kill all of them. we will take revenge this is the root cause, the BAAP of all problems bake devotees have explained everything
Hare Krishna! The Lord God said," Whenever there is irreligion. Whenever the demons and miscreants harass or kill my devotees. I will descend millennium after millennium to restore the principles of religion, destroy the demons and miscreants. Protect my devotees. " In short, the Lord God Hari will not allow the world to be run by rogues and hoodlums disguised as saviors while his devotees suffer. He will come with all his entourage and paraphernalia. In fact, the Lord God is already here. Lol! .
Haribol always,
krsnaraja melvin
First of all I would like to welcome you for asking quite a good quality question. In B.G Lord Krishna has already stated, I dont do anything for anybody (right or wrong), what they get is their own past karma (Prarabdh). I have same mercy for all, But I put special mercy on those who serve me and love me so much.
First of all how did you come to know all of them were innocent? Are you with them in their past lives? Or Do you remember your past life? We can not remember our past life, but what karma (seeds) we have sowed in our past life we have to accept in this life or next life. These all are our karma's result, why we are suffering? why we are happy?
The child or person killed in that way, must have done something wrong with some other living entities so they got the result in this birth. Child must be innocent in this birth but what about his past birth karma, he must have killed someone in their childhood.
If your read B.G you will come to know, nobody kill nobody, our souls are eternal. In BG Chapter 2 Shloka 13.
Dehino smin yatha dehe, kaumaram yauvnam jara
Tatha dehantara praptir, dhiras tatra na muhayati.
As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.
Hare Krishna.
Jai Sril. Prabhupad
Beginningless Karma is the root cause of all suffering. It is out of our domain to understand that.
The root cause of human suffering
No matter how rich or secure or successful a person may be, a fundamental dissatisfaction still persists. The reasons for that dissatisfaction are plain. Everything a human being hopes for is in some sense imperfect, disappointing, or hollow. In the end we all die, which is the ultimate disappointment.
At the same time, surely there are things that every person, no matter how poor or wretched, can be sincerely grateful for. Some things bring more joy than pain, even if the joy is tinged with grief, and even if those things are lost at death.
To renounce desire is not a humane response to the fundamental dissatisfaction, even if the pursuit of desire really were the cause of pain and frustration. It seems that a characteristic of all living things is that they grasp relentlessly after survival and opportunity.
Many human needs are rooted in biology. Those obviously shouldn't be denied or trivialized. Pain is a fact. We feel pain or grief from loss. Desire is part of what makes us vital.
In any case, disassociating from desire can never actually relieve suffering, because the presence of pain and the lack of pleasure are not what causes suffering.
First of all, pain is not necessarily a synonym for suffering. We can't deny or escape pain, but we can be free from suffering by changing how we relate to the fundamental dissatisfaction.
The fundamental dissatisfaction is an unquenchable thirst that is a side effect of human cognition itself, due to being sentient in the physical world.
We can conceive of a perfectly round circle or a perfectly straight line, but those never exist in the physical world. Nothing in the physical world ever lines up exactly with our inner concepts. How we respond to the experience of that misalignment is what matters.
The mistake that leads to suffering is the simple delusion that the fundamental dissatisfaction can be extinguished by gaining more pleasure or feeling less pain or, in other words, by getting more of what we want.
The root cause of suffering is that we unrelentingly struggle to get rid of the fundamental dissatisfaction by means of the fulfillment of our desires, and yet that dissatisfaction sticks to us as a perpetual, unanswerable craving.
It can be difficult to realize that the fundamental dissatisfaction even exists, because it is veiled by our restless struggle to get rid of it. Once we realize that it exists, we're too horrified to accept that it really is unquenchable.
Paradoxically, by facing the emptiness and by surrendering completely to its inevitability, we come to deep peace and no longer suffer.
Pain is natural and inevitable, and all animals feel it, but the condition of suffering is unnecessary.
Michael Webb, April, 2006
What is the root cause of human suffering as per Bhagvad Gita?
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Hare Krsna
Firstly to say that "the victims were all innocent" is a very strong statement. How did anyone arrive at this conclusion ?
Almost nobody in this world is innocent. Scriptures not only explain this but also give us a way out.
Krsna says " From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kunti, never takes birth again.BG 8.16
Krsna also says about this world as "dukhalayam ashashvatam" in BG 8.15. This world is filled with miseries, suffering, death etc. It is foolish to think of enjoying temporary craving of tongue and sex.
Whether it is man made war or natural disaster, it is simply means to the inevitable truth of "death". One should be interested in how to get out of cycle of birth and death. That is told in BG.
Krsna says " One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna." (BG 4.9)
So even if it war or natural disaster If only I am Krsna conscious then after death I will unite with the family of Krsna. If I am not Krsna conscious then even if everything is alright, I will still die and be caught in cycle of birth and death.
Hare Krsna
Without reference to Bhagavad-gita, I would like to share my views on this issue. 1) Millions of innocent lives died in the Holocaust. My View: Hitler in his past life was a devotee of Christ. He avenged the death of Christ who was crucified by the Jews by annihilating the Jew population in return.
2) Saddam Hussein and Omar Ghadaffi's deaths and Mid-East Wars. My View: Nations interested in black gold will do anything to occupy the lands in the mid-east rich with black gold. That:s why there is war. Saddam and Ghaddafi were killed because the United States of America and her allied nations want them killed.
3) Countless suffer and die in Africa. My view: Africa is a land where humans compete with wild animals. The people there are always engaged in tribal wars. Africa has lands not suitable to grow plants, grains and fruit trees. So, millions there are poor, malnourished. Many starve to death. Sickness and famine are prevalent in Africa.
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya
krsnaraja melvin