Jai Sri Krishna,

I hope the members of IDT are not holding any grudges against me for me being an admirer of some other path. If i like one particular path, its not going to be that i will hate the rest. I'm a student of different sects and philosophies. To me, all paths leads us to divinity. But that's just my belief. You don't have to accept what i say.

Now, that being said, i have a question, since i'm learning about achintya bheda abheda philosophy as well. :)

What do the gaudya vishnavas mean by "jivas are fragmental particles / part-and-parcel / amshas of Krishna?

Does the supersoul or paramatma splits into multiple wordly souls. Is that what we should understand by us being amsha of Krishna? Please educate me on this matter.

Thank you.

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    I hope the members of IDT are not holding any grudges against me for me being an admirer of some other path.

    We have no grudge for anyone following any path. We have full policies against mayavada philosophy which is poison for devotion. I do not hate mayavadis, but anyone trying to spread this poison will not be allowed. 

    You don't have to accept what i say.

    Ofcourse we don't accept your mayavada philisophy. But it is best if you leave these forums. It is for your own good. Mayavadis are not welcome here.  Every word of a mayavadi is condemnable. Posing as learning something is not going to help anyone. It is hard to fill milk in a glass which is full of poison. 

    i have a question, since i'm learning about achintya bheda abheda philosophy as well.

    Pretending to learn something is not going to help

    Please educate me on this matter.

    Pretending to learn something is not going to help

    Hare Krsna

    • Its real funny that even after being a so-called Krishna bhakta you are spouting venomous comments against people of other sects, calling them mayavadi and calling their philosophy poisonous. They on the other hand never use foul words against the bhakta yogis. Its crystal clear from your comments who's the poisonous one here. After all what more can we expect from a sect whose founder himself (even though he dressed in saffron robes and applied tilak on his bald head) was infact a foul-mouthed hypocrite, who called others rascal and whatnot lol.

      First purify your heart, annihilate your ego, then become a sevak of the Lord. Not before that.

      Anyway, stay happy in your little kingdom and rule the  members here with a golden staff and a bloated ego.  I'll find my answers elsewhere. :) 

      • Even my grandfather was abusive he also called people rascals. People he knows clearly that there are faults in the people. Srila Prabhupada also called Krishna as rascal. He ment in a loving way. That little brat, mischevious rascal. Why don't you take it in a good sense?

        The words are misinterpretted, dissected and new meanings made out of context by a " pretentious Mayavaad"

        Nice word coined by Bharat prabhu here. >>"Pretentious Maayaavaadi"

        Because a real maayaavadi doesn't want to lose time in taunting and arguing with others. Rea maayaavadi will run to a secluded place in jungles and sit and chant "OM" and meditate on self .. As you see in Satyuga people's life span was 100,000 yrs. they had lot of time to meditate on self. In Kaliyuga you have at max. 100 yrs life time in that 35 yrs you have lost in studies, and settlement in life finding a job etc. etc. and last 20 yrs you will be too weak physcially to lift ur own body to focus on self. 

        Sadly you have max. 30 yrs  on hand ( because we are not sure when your life may end also maybe 60 or 65 yrs or if Covid new variant strikes it will be even early) ... I am sure you must not waste your time here in forums fighting you must head to Himalayas urgently and practice meditation on self. If you do it at a continuous pace without even wasting a single breath you from now then you may be fortunate to atleast get Brahma jyothi in this life time.

        So, don't waste your precious time. hmm. go and practise meditation on self. You know how difficult it is to practise meditation cutting out all people around. To become a buddha or Shankaracharyaa is not so easy. They are great because they did it. Even though they belonged to different sects they achieved something.....even if not GOD atleast they acheived inner peace., and realized self. So do just run now to secluded place.  good luck .. someday you might become a sage. Sage anirudha Chakravarthy. :-) Take this pun positively and do achieve something and show to the world. If you believe in advaitism you show it not thru jugglery of words.   

        Krishna said karma yogi can reach me If  he practices nishkaam karma yoga,  Krishna said Gyan yogi can reach me if he meditates on self  cutting the bondages of maya. Bhakta yogi can  reach ME provided he totally surrendered to ME and ONLY ME. 

        So, as far as I know you are just wasting your precious time in silly inquiries with others. Gyan yogi must do self - inquiry and  contemplation with self.

        Hare Krishna

        • After all self realization Adi Shankaracharya finally gave out  the poems praising Krishna-- " BhajaGovindam, Sri Krishnashatakam, Govindashtakam"

          And in Bhaja Govindam if you go into the lyrics and find out then English translation you will know what literally Shankara Bhagwadpada has told to do --

          Bhaja govindam Bhaja govindam Govindam Bhaja Mooda Mathe!!!

          Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Govindam Bhaja Mooda Mathe!!!

          Oh FOOL!!! simply chant govinda Oh fool simply chant govinda 
          ( Now don't you find the word fool same as a rascal)???????? Why such a great saint such as Shankaracharaya being in saffron robes will call people fools?

          Because we are fools and Rascals  only. A fools is called fool and rascal only by saints. We are nicely fooling ourself into many many things around the world being attached to body and matter.

          bhajagovindam bhajagovindam
          govindam bhajamuudhamate
          sampraapte sannihite kaale
          nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane


          Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh fool! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death.

          punarapi jananam punarapi maranam
          punarapi jananii jathare shayanam
          iha samsaare bahudustaare
          kripayaa apaare paahi muraare


          Born again, death again, birth again to stay in the mother's womb! It is indeed hard to cross this boundless ocean of samsara. Oh Murari! Redeem me through Thy mercy.

            Shankaraarchaya is not a Fool to finally come to this conclusion to simple chant Govinda, chant Govinda, HOLD ON THE FEET OF MURARI to cross the Boundless ocean of Samsara.

          Shankaracharaya a  great Self realized being gave out his final word in this poem. 

          He spoke the truth that in this age of kaliyuga there is no way to cross the boundless ocean of Samsara then to Chant Govinda name.


          bhajagovindam bhajagovindam
          govindam bhajamuudhamate
          sampraapte sannihite kaale
          nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane


          Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh fool! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death.


      • please leave these forums. any criticism against any vaisnava is not accepted and srila prabhupada is the life and soul for many! how dare you speak like that? you yourself are showing symptoms of a complete materialist by saying such bad things about our dear srila prabhupada. before trying to tell someone when they should become a servant, try to mend your words because I'm telling you krishna ji is definitely not happy by what you just wrote!

        go ahead now... say whatever you want about me too because i got angry at what you wrote about our dear jagat guru, srila Prabhupada

        Hare Krishna

      • Sevak

        Hare Krsna

        What's funny is that you exposed yourself, you hypocrite. You are not he first. You are not the last. But very happy to see-off another mayavadi. 

        Hare Krsna

    • Sevak

      Hare Krsna 

      What do the gaudya vishnavas mean by "jivas are fragmental particles / part-and-parcel / amshas of Krishna?

      Gaudiya Vaishnavas are not the only intelligent peple to accept it, but vaishnavas belonging to the 4 authorised sampradayas accept it. 

      It has been said by Lord Sri Krsna Himself in BG

      mamaivāṁśo jīva-loke
      jīva-bhūtaḥ sanātanaḥ
      prakṛti-sthāni karṣati

      The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind. ( BG 15.7) 

      In this verse the identity of the living being is clearly given. The living entity is the fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord – eternally. It is not that he assumes individuality in his conditional life and in his liberated state becomes one with the Supreme Lord. He is eternally fragmented. It is clearly said, sanātanaḥ. ( Purport Bg 15.7)

      Does the supersoul or paramatma splits into multiple wordly souls. Is that what we should understand by us being amsha of Krishna?

      There is no evidence of splitting. Jiva is eternallyseparated amsa of Krsna. 

      Hare Krsna

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    • Already did that. Prabhupada didn't say much in the Gita about why we are called fragments. He only said that by 'fragments' it is not to be understood that we are broken off (split) parts. Can someone care to explain here in the discussion forums, what he meant by fragments.

      • Sevak

        Hare Krsna 

        Nobody who is mayavadi can appreciate the divine words of Sri Krsna or Srila Prabhupada. Mayavadis are Krsna aparadhis.

        Hare Krsna

        • Sevak

          Hare Krsna 

          Prabhupada didn't say much in the Gita about why we are called fragments.

          Srila Prabhuapda is simply repeating the words of Krsna. Krsna says jiva is amsa of Krsna. So Srila Prabhuapada has translated the same. There is no scope for asking "why". There is no scope for speculating "why".

          Hare Krsna

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