
  • Hare Krishna prabhu.

    The broad meaning of brahmcharya is to act on the spiritual platform. "Brahm charti iti brahmcharya".

    The narrow meaning of the brahmcharya is to abstain from sex life and protect your semen.

    Brahmcharya has 8 Rules. Anyone who follows these rules can be called a brahmchari.

    Do not think about women

    Do not speak about sex life

    Do not dally with women

    Do not look lustfully at women

    Do not talk intimately with we omen

    Do not decide to engage in sexual intercourse

    Do not endeavor for sex life

    Do not engage in sexual intercourse.

    Only Krishna can make us a pure brahmchari.

    Chanting 16 rounds attentively in the brahm muhurt. Following 4 regulative principles and reading Srilla prabhupada books are very helpful.

  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    This is a very broad topic. You could refer to the following book.

    Hare Krsna

    Brahmacarya In Krsna Consciousness and a Brahmacari Reader: Swami, Bhakti Vikasa: 9788190233231: Am…
    Brahmacarya In Krsna Consciousness and a Brahmacari Reader [Swami, Bhakti Vikasa] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Brahmacarya In…
  • Hare Krishna Prabhu ji!

    Brahmacharya is an ashram among the 4 ashrams:- Brahmacharya, Grihasta, Vanaprasthi, Sanyas. This is how human life would progress in the olden times, and Ideally this should happen. But, when a person wants to serve the lord full time, and only be attracted to him, he remains in brahmacharya for the rest of his life, and if he progresses a lot in bhakti, then he takes on to sanyas. but that's another topic. 

    what punkech prabhu said is right, literally. but there still are other austerities a brahmachari must do otherwise, why can't we call all the bachelors of this world brahmachari?

    here are the austerities

    this is in relation to spiritual master:-

    ŚB 11.17.30

    एवंवृत्तो गुरुकुले वसेद् भोगविवर्जित: ।
    विद्या समाप्यते यावद् बिभ्रद् व्रतमखण्डितम् ॥ ३० ॥
    evaṁ-vṛtto gurukule
    vased bhoga-vivarjitaḥ
    vidyā samāpyate yāvad
    bibhrad vratam akhaṇḍitam


    evam — thus; vṛttaḥ — engaged; gurukule — in the āśrama of the spiritual master; vaset — he should live; bhoga — sense gratification; vivarjitaḥ — freed from; vidyā — Vedic education; samāpyate — is completed; yāvat — until; bibhrat — maintaining; vratam — the vow (of brahmacarya); akhaṇḍitam — unbroken.


    Until the student has completed his Vedic education he should remain engaged in the āśrama of the spiritual master, should remain completely free of material sense gratification and should not break his vow of celibacy [brahmacarya].


    This verse describes the upakurvāṇa-brahmacārī, who enters gṛhastha-āśrama, or family life, after completing his Vedic education. The word evaṁ-vṛttaḥ indicates that although one may eventually marry and become prominent in society as an intellectual, politician or businessman, during student life one must remain without false prestige as a humble servant of the bona fide spiritual master. The naiṣṭhiki-brahmacārī, who never marries, is described in the following verse.

    this is in relation to women:-

    One should not

    think about women 

    speak about sex life

    dally with women

    look lustfully at women

    talk intimately with them

    Decide to engage in sexual intercourse

    Endeavor for sex life

    engage in sexual intercourse

    (SB 6.1.13 Purport)


    and here are it's benefits

    By the practice of brahmacharya, longetivity, glory, strength, vigor, knowledge, wealth, undying fame, virtues and devotion to the truth increases


    Hare Krishna

    Word for Word Index
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