Aparadhas (offenses) are of different types:- 1. Nama-aparadha (Offenses to the Holy Name) Disrespecting or misusing the chanting of divine names.
1. To blaspheme devotees 2. To consider the demigods equal to or independent of Visnu 3. To disobey one’s spiritual master 4. To blaspheme the Vedic (or related) scriptures 5. To consider the glories of chanting the holy name to be imagination 6. To give some mundane interpretation on the holy name 7. To commit sin on the strength of the holy name 8. To consider the chanting of Hare Krsna to be a karma kandiya activity 9. To preach the glories of the holy name to the faithless 10. To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names, and to maintain material attachments, even after hearing many instructions on the matter It is also an offense to be inattentive while chanting
2.Vaishnava-aparadha (Offenses to Devotees) Criticizing or disrespecting sincere devotees, which is considered the most dangerous offense. 1.To kill. This is obviously a heinous act bound to destroy the creeper of devotion. Under this heading, any and all acts of physical violence are also included.
2. To blaspheme. All verbal acts of defamation come under this category. Calling a Vaishnava names, speaking harshly to him or about him, speaking lies of him and so forth are considered blasphemy.
3. To be envious or hateful. To be envious of a Vaishnava, to wish for his demise or suffering and to act towards this goal, and other thoughts, speech and deeds prompted by a feeling of malice towards a Vaishnava come under this heading.
4. To not glorify. All Vaishnavas are worthy of respect. To not respect a Vaishnava in accordance with his qualification, or to refuse from recognizing a particular good quality or deed of a Vaishnava, is unbefitting. Everyone is to be given all the respect they deserve, regardless of their having different opinions from ours.
5. To be angry. Whatever a Vaishnava does, we are not to display an outburst of anger towards him. It is permitted to display anger towards someone who is hateful towards the bhaktas, but this, too, is to be done in a civil, constructive way for the rectification of the wrong-doer.
6. To not be happy upon seeing. Whoever has accepted the holy names of Krishna is a blessing to the world. To not feel happiness upon meeting a soul who has chosen to approach the Lord, regardless of his defects, is inappropriate.
3.Seva-aparadha (Offenses in Worship) Improper attitudes or mistakes while performing deity worship. 1. Negligence in Worship – Performing worship inattentively, hastily, or without devotion
2.Impurity During Seva – Serving the deity while physically or mentally impure
3.Disrespect to Deities – Touching the deity or sacred items with unclean hands or feet.
4. Disrespect to Devotees – Offending or mistreating devotees of the Lord.
5. Improper Chanting – Reciting mantras incorrectly or without focus
6..Offering Forbidden Items – Presenting unapproved food items, like garlic, onions, or non-vegetarian foods.
7.Entering the Temple in an Unclean State – Wearing inappropriate attire or being in an impure state while inside a temple
8..Neglecting Temple Cleanliness – Allowing the temple premises to remain dirty.
9. Using Deity’s Items for Personal Use – Misusing items meant for the deity, such as consuming offerings before they are properly offered.
4. Dham-aparadha (Offenses to Holy Places) Disrespecting sacred places like Vrindavan, Mayapur, etc.
1.Committing an act of disrespect, blasphemy, or sin at a holy place.
2. Violating religious customs or rules at a temple or pilgrimage site.
3.Engaging in immoral behavior (like violence, theft, or dishonesty) at a sacred site.
4. Damaging or defacing religious idols, scriptures, or property.
5. Engaging in deceitful or corrupt activities under the guise of religion.
5. Guru aparadh: ( offenses against Guru):
Disobeying the Guru – Ignoring or acting against the Guru’s instructions
Disrespecting the Guru – Speaking ill of the Guru, doubting their intentions, or questioning their teachings with arrogance.
Comparing the Guru to an Ordinary Person – Viewing the Guru as just another human being rather than a divine guide with spiritual realization.
Serving the Guru with Material Motives – Pretending to follow the Guru for personal gains rather than genuine devotion.
Betraying the Guru – Spreading false information, defaming, or abandoning the Guru without valid reason.
Accepting Another Guru Without Proper Renunciation – Switching spiritual teachers without the Guru’s blessings or for selfish reasons.
Not Expressing Gratitude – Failing to acknowledge the Guru’s guidance and efforts in one’s spiritual journey.
6. offences towards the jivas (living entities who are infinitesimal particles of spirit belonging to the Lord) – Tattva Brahman
Effect: Aparadhas are the greatest obstacles in devotional progress and can lead to a loss of taste for spiritual practices.
How to resolve:- Aparadhas are the greatest obstacles in devotional progress and can lead to a loss of taste for spiritual practices.
Namabhasa : The stage of chanting in which one is becoming cleared of sins and offenses but has not yet attained pure chanting.
4 kinds of Namaabhaas :-
1. Sāṅketya-nāmābhāsa–is uttering the Lord’s name to allude to something else. For instance, Ajāmila called his son Nārāyaṇa at the time of his death, but Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s name is also Nārāyaṇa, so Ajāmila’s uttering “Nārāyaṇa” was an instance of sāṅketya-nāmābhāsa. When Muslims see a pig, they show hatred and exclaim, “Hārāma! Hārāma!” The exclamation ‘hārāma’ contains the two words ‘hā’ and ‘rāma’, so the person uttering the word ‘hārāma’ also obtains deliverance from the cycle of birth and death as a result of taking that sāṅketya-nāma.
2. Parihasa–means chanting jokingly. The sastras proclaim that those who utter Kṛṣṇa’s name jokingly obtain liberation. This includes those who desire liberation, those proud of their learning, mlecchas devoid of tattva-jnana, and demons opposed to the ultimate goal.
3. Stobha-nāmābhāsa–means chanting the holy name antagonistically to hinder or mock others in their chanting of Kṛṣṇa’s name. For example, while a pure bhakta is chanting hari-nāma, an observer may see him, and make faces, saying, “Your ‘Hari-Kest’ will do everything!” This is an example of stobha, and that stobha-nāma can award liberation to that offender. The names have such natural power.
4. Helā-nāmābhāsa–means to utter the holy name disrespectfully. It is said in the Skanda Purana that taking the holy name neglectfully also results in liberation from this material world
The nāmābhāsa stage is between that of nāma-aparādha, or chanting of the holy name with offenses, and pure chanting. There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. In the first stage, one commits ten kinds of offenses while chanting. In the next stage, nāmābhāsa, the offenses have almost stopped, and one is coming to the platform of pure chanting. In the third stage, when one chants the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra without offenses, his dormant love for Kṛṣṇa immediately awakens. This is the perfection. That is Shuddha naam stage 3.
Difference Between Śuddha-Nāma and Nāma-Ābhāsa: Namaabhasa is chanting without offenses but lack of interest. Shuddhanama is has no mateiral motives, totally surrendered to Lord Sri Krishna and Guru maharaj with faith.
Hare Krishna.
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Hare Krishna,
Aparadhas (offenses) are of different types:- 1. Nama-aparadha (Offenses to the Holy Name) Disrespecting or misusing the chanting of divine names.
1. To blaspheme devotees
2. To consider the demigods equal to or independent of Visnu
3. To disobey one’s spiritual master
4. To blaspheme the Vedic (or related) scriptures
5. To consider the glories of chanting the holy name to be imagination
6. To give some mundane interpretation on the holy name
7. To commit sin on the strength of the holy name
8. To consider the chanting of Hare Krsna to be a karma kandiya activity
9. To preach the glories of the holy name to the faithless
10. To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names, and to maintain material attachments, even after hearing many instructions on the matter It is also an offense to be inattentive while chanting
2.Vaishnava-aparadha (Offenses to Devotees) Criticizing or disrespecting sincere devotees, which is considered the most dangerous offense.
1.To kill. This is obviously a heinous act bound to destroy the creeper of devotion. Under this heading, any and all acts of physical violence are also included.
2. To blaspheme. All verbal acts of defamation come under this category. Calling a Vaishnava names, speaking harshly to him or about him, speaking lies of him and so forth are considered blasphemy.
3. To be envious or hateful. To be envious of a Vaishnava, to wish for his demise or suffering and to act towards this goal, and other thoughts, speech and deeds prompted by a feeling of malice towards a Vaishnava come under this heading.
4. To not glorify. All Vaishnavas are worthy of respect. To not respect a Vaishnava in accordance with his qualification, or to refuse from recognizing a particular good quality or deed of a Vaishnava, is unbefitting. Everyone is to be given all the respect they deserve, regardless of their having different opinions from ours.
5. To be angry. Whatever a Vaishnava does, we are not to display an outburst of anger towards him. It is permitted to display anger towards someone who is hateful towards the bhaktas, but this, too, is to be done in a civil, constructive way for the rectification of the wrong-doer.
6. To not be happy upon seeing. Whoever has accepted the holy names of Krishna is a blessing to the world. To not feel happiness upon meeting a soul who has chosen to approach the Lord, regardless of his defects, is inappropriate.
3.Seva-aparadha (Offenses in Worship) Improper attitudes or mistakes while performing deity worship.
1. Negligence in Worship – Performing worship inattentively, hastily, or without devotion
2.Impurity During Seva – Serving the deity while physically or mentally impure
3.Disrespect to Deities – Touching the deity or sacred items with unclean hands or feet.
4. Disrespect to Devotees – Offending or mistreating devotees of the Lord.
5. Improper Chanting – Reciting mantras incorrectly or without focus
6..Offering Forbidden Items – Presenting unapproved food items, like garlic, onions, or non-vegetarian foods.
7.Entering the Temple in an Unclean State – Wearing inappropriate attire or being in an impure state while inside a temple
8..Neglecting Temple Cleanliness – Allowing the temple premises to remain dirty.
9. Using Deity’s Items for Personal Use – Misusing items meant for the deity, such as consuming offerings before they are properly offered.
4. Dham-aparadha (Offenses to Holy Places) Disrespecting sacred places like Vrindavan, Mayapur, etc.
1.Committing an act of disrespect, blasphemy, or sin at a holy place.
2. Violating religious customs or rules at a temple or pilgrimage site.
3.Engaging in immoral behavior (like violence, theft, or dishonesty) at a sacred site.
4. Damaging or defacing religious idols, scriptures, or property.
5. Engaging in deceitful or corrupt activities under the guise of religion.
5. Guru aparadh: ( offenses against Guru):
Disobeying the Guru – Ignoring or acting against the Guru’s instructions
Disrespecting the Guru – Speaking ill of the Guru, doubting their intentions, or questioning their teachings with arrogance.
Comparing the Guru to an Ordinary Person – Viewing the Guru as just another human being rather than a divine guide with spiritual realization.
Serving the Guru with Material Motives – Pretending to follow the Guru for personal gains rather than genuine devotion.
Betraying the Guru – Spreading false information, defaming, or abandoning the Guru without valid reason.
Accepting Another Guru Without Proper Renunciation – Switching spiritual teachers without the Guru’s blessings or for selfish reasons.
Not Expressing Gratitude – Failing to acknowledge the Guru’s guidance and efforts in one’s spiritual journey.
6. offences towards the jivas (living entities who are infinitesimal particles of spirit belonging to the Lord) – Tattva Brahman
Effect: Aparadhas are the greatest obstacles in devotional progress and can lead to a loss of taste for spiritual practices.
How to resolve:- Aparadhas are the greatest obstacles in devotional progress and can lead to a loss of taste for spiritual practices.
Namabhasa : The stage of chanting in which one is becoming cleared of sins and offenses but has not yet attained pure chanting.
4 kinds of Namaabhaas :-
1. Sāṅketya-nāmābhāsa–is uttering the Lord’s name to allude to something else. For instance, Ajāmila called his son Nārāyaṇa at the time of his death, but Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s name is also Nārāyaṇa, so Ajāmila’s uttering “Nārāyaṇa” was an instance of sāṅketya-nāmābhāsa. When Muslims see a pig, they show hatred and exclaim, “Hārāma! Hārāma!” The exclamation ‘hārāma’ contains the two words ‘hā’ and ‘rāma’, so the person uttering the word ‘hārāma’ also obtains deliverance from the cycle of birth and death as a result of taking that sāṅketya-nāma.
2. Parihasa–means chanting jokingly. The sastras proclaim that those who utter Kṛṣṇa’s name jokingly obtain liberation. This includes those who desire liberation, those proud of their learning, mlecchas devoid of tattva-jnana, and demons opposed to the ultimate goal.
3. Stobha-nāmābhāsa–means chanting the holy name antagonistically to hinder or mock others in their chanting of Kṛṣṇa’s name. For example, while a pure bhakta is chanting hari-nāma, an observer may see him, and make faces, saying, “Your ‘Hari-Kest’ will do everything!” This is an example of stobha, and that stobha-nāma can award liberation to that offender. The names have such natural power.
4. Helā-nāmābhāsa–means to utter the holy name disrespectfully. It is said in the Skanda Purana that taking the holy name neglectfully also results in liberation from this material world
The nāmābhāsa stage is between that of nāma-aparādha, or chanting of the holy name with offenses, and pure chanting. There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. In the first stage, one commits ten kinds of offenses while chanting. In the next stage, nāmābhāsa, the offenses have almost stopped, and one is coming to the platform of pure chanting. In the third stage, when one chants the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra without offenses, his dormant love for Kṛṣṇa immediately awakens. This is the perfection. That is Shuddha naam stage 3.
Difference Between Śuddha-Nāma and Nāma-Ābhāsa:
Namaabhasa is chanting without offenses but lack of interest. Shuddhanama is has no mateiral motives, totally surrendered to Lord Sri Krishna and Guru maharaj with faith.
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krsna.
You explains the complex terms so nicely. Hari Hari.
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