
  • Volunteer

    If You become a full time Harinaam Kirtanier then i think they provide place to stay or even food.

    Or else You can contact directly HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj or his servants. Maharaj is very merciful, He may engage You with proper service in Holy Dham. 

    Your servant, 

    • Hare Krishna Bhaktin Maral

      In the USA, we have the male and female ashrams where volunteers live on the Temple grounds and receive prasadam etc. So is it the same in India? I was looking at jobs available in Mayapur and if you have specialized training in teaching they give you an apt, prasadam and salary. Other positions are available and are called volunteer jobs but it does not say that they provide any kind of housing or any kind of prasadam.  I am too "mentally disturbed" to be a full time Temple devotee in this lifetime, but I would like to encourage young people to try it out. However, I don't want to encourage a young person to go to Mayapur and then find out that they have nowhere to live and nothing to eat.

      • Volunteer

        My humble obeisances dear Pandora Mataji, 

        Some Devotees get job in Mayapur. Some do not. 

        Salary is little, plus one will have to pay for rent. 

        So just to go to Mayapur and be depended on jobs there may be short lasting stay. Sometimes money won't be enough or so.

        But if You want to stay there for a long term then as many Devotees do, buy a land there and build a small home;

        Why land? Because it is cheaper than buying a ready flat. Ready flat costs around 50 thousand $

        Also Matajis who can cook, they cook sweets, cakes; or sew KC toys, make malas etc and give their goods to the shops; in this way maintain their basic needs;

        In US there may be ashrams for ladies but in India they are very rare or even nothing at all. So it is little bit difficult for Matajis.

        But if i want to stay then i prefer long term stay which is having proper place to stay not paying rent or so; And also maybe having enough money so that i do not depend on local jobs which are very rare;

        Your servant, 

        • My humble obeisances to you dear Bhaktin Maral

          I appreciate so much your help in explaining exactly how things work in India. Sorry to hear that ashrams for ladies are very rare in India. Sorry to hear that local jobs  are also very rare in Mayapur.

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