Vishnu Form

Hare Krishna Prabhuji and Mataji,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.

All glories to srila prabhupada.

My question is, in Srimad Bhagavatam 10.3 its is written that "The supreme personality of godhead appeared with four hands. If Krishna came personally then why did he showed the four handed form of vishnu and not the original form, the two handed form which is flute playing form? 

Mother Devakī, being fully transcendental, sac-cid-ānanda, does not belong to this material world. Thus the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared with four hands, as if born from her womb. Upon seeing the Lord in that Viṣṇu form, Vasudeva was struck with wonder, and in transcendental happiness he and Devakī mentally gave ten thousand cows in charity to the brāhmaṇas.

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna

    why did he showed the four handed form of vishnu and not the original form, the two handed form ?

    It was to assure Vasudeva & Devaki that He is indeed the Supreme Lord Vishnu (as per the prophecy) who will liberate them from Kamsa's imprisonment and give them happiness.

    It is clear from the word catur-bhujam that Kṛṣṇa first appeared with four hands, as Lord Viṣṇu. No ordinary child in human society has ever been born with four hands.(Purport SB 10.3.9-10)

    O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, descendant of King Bharata, Vasudeva could understand that this child was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nārāyaṇa. Having concluded this without a doubt, he became fearless.(SB

    Before appearance of Sri Krsna very few people (in the universe) knew about the form and pastimes of Sri Krsna. But the form and pastimes of four handed Lord Vishnu or Narayana is described in the vedic scriptures. Even lord Brahma was not certain if Sri Krsna was the Supreme Lord. When Krsna who had expanded as gopas and calves, transformed into four handed Vishnu form, at that time lord Brahma was fully aware that Sri Krsna is same as Supreme Lord Vishnu and apoligised profusely. In order to give complete assurance to Vasudeva & Devaki, Sri Krsna first appeared in four handed form. Lord Sri Krsna exhibhited his four handed form just a few times.

    Hare Krsna

    • Hare Krishna

      Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.

      All glories to Srila Prabhupada

      Thank you so much prabhuji for the prompt response.

      So, my question here is that were Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga people were not that fortunate and the people of Dwapar yuga and we the people of Kaliyuga are fortunate to know that Krishna is the supreme personality of godhead resides in Goloka dham with his eternal consort Shrimati Radharani in two handed form.


      • Sevak

        Hare Krsna

        we the people of Kaliyuga are fortunate to know that Krishna is the supreme personality of godhead resides in Goloka dham with his eternal consort Shrimati Radharani in two handed form.

        It is more than knowing or knowledge. What do people do with that knowledge ?

        Duryodhana, Hiranyakashipu, Kamsa, Shisupala were all clearly informed that Sri Krsna is Supreme and nobody else. Yet they all continued to pursue their enemity towards Sri Krsna.

        As far as the good fortune of knowing is concerned, majority of people in Satya Yuga, Treta yuga, Dwapara yuga did not know the two handed form of Sri Krsna or Sri Rama as Supreme Personality of Godhead

        The vanaras were fortunate to serve Sri Rama in those few months in searching & rescuing Sita. Many were fortunate to fight to for Sri Rama. The Pandavas, Vrishnis, Yadavas were fortunate to be related to Sri Krsna and serve Sri Krsna. The pastimes of Sri Krsna in Vrindavana are extremely confidential. Very few close devotees of Sri Krsna outside of Vrindavana knew about them. It was only after Shukadev Goswami recited Srimad Bhagavatama and Vedavyasa compiled SB did people come to know about pastimes of Sri Krsna in Vrindavana. This happened at beginning of Kaliyuga after King Parikshit received curse about 5000 years ago.

        But even SB does not mention Sri Radha explicitly. There are some 15-20 chapters (out of 90)  in SB 10th canto which largely describe the pastimes of Sri Krsna and gopis. Even after 4500 years of appearance of SB, people did not know about Radha Krsna. Then about 500 years ago Lord Sri Chaitanya appeared and revealed the Radha Tattva and then goswamis of Vrindavana compiled literature describing pastimes of Radha. But even those were very restricted to those who were highly educated in sanskrit for many centuries.

        As far as I know there is not a single temple of Radha Krishna in southern or western states of India that is more than 150 years old. They are there in northern and eastern states though. Worship of Sri Radha Krishna and understanding of Radha Krishna is not much present in Sri Sampradaya, Rudra Sampradaya or Madhwa Sampradaya before Madhavedra Puri.

        So in summary we are extremely extremely fortunate to know about Sri Radha Krsna. Those who serve Sri Radha Krsna in anyway are even more fortunate. This confidential knowledge about Sri Radha Krsna and the opportunity to serve and worship them is available for a fraction of time in Brahma's lifespan. If we do not take advantage of it by serving them or remembering Radha Krsna's pastimes, then we become the most unfortunate ones.

        There is a very beatiful song compiled by Narottam Das which was one of Srila Prabhupada's favourite Song

        hari hari! biphale janama gońāinu
        manuṣya-janama pāiyā, rādhā-kṛṣṇa nā bhajiyā,
        jāniyā śuniyā biṣa khāinu

        golokera prema-dhana, hari-nāma-sańkīrtana,
        rati nā janmilo kene tāy

        (1) 0 Lord Hari, I have spent my life uselessly. Having obtained a human birth and having not worshiped Radha and Krishna, I have knowingly drunk poison.

        (2) The treasure of divine love in Goloka Vrindavana has descended as the congregational chanting of Lord Hari’s holy names. Why did my attraction for that chanting never come about?

        Hare Krsna

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