Hare krishna prabhu ji / mata ji 🙏
Plzz accept my humble obeisance 🙇
if applying oil on body and hair after bathing make you contaminated again and unfit for plucking Tulsi leaves then what is substitute of oil for applying on hair or body as usual for removing dryness.
Hare krishna 🙏
Hare Krsna
what is substitute
Use oil the previous night or early morning before bath.
Hare Krsna
Instead of oil, you can use pure aloe vera gel or herbal water-based moisturizers to prevent dryness while remaining fit for plucking Tulsi leaves.
duck life
Hare Krishna,
Can you provide any reference from where did you get this idea that we shouldn't pluck Tulasi maharani after bathing and applying oil to body or hair?
Hare krishna mata ji 🙏
I not read it anywhere but I heard in some vedios if there is no such thing then Plzz tell me .
Your servant
Hare Krishna ,
In south India Abhyanga Snanam means to take bath for entire both ( from head to toe) after applying oil. It is usually done once in a week. Best day is Sunday. Apply oil to the entire body and sit in the sun ( ravi vaar ) and wash you body and hair nicely. Anyways on Sunday you wont got to Tulasi maharani to water also. On Sunday we don't water Tulasi ji. So can keep this day for oiling bathing etc.
If you are having a dry skin problem and you need to moisterize it use some vaseline or cold creams. after taking bath a small dab of cold cream or vaseline can help.
I personally would chose to oil body and let it seep thru my skin and then take a bath. It keep my skin healthy and fresh.. rather than oily and greesy looking.
Tulasi maharani should not be watered on Sunday ( reasons not so clearly told) it is said that she shouldn't be disturbed on Ekadashi day ( as she is fasting) and dwadashi day ( too as she is fasts on those days. and Sundays ( restriction is there for watering and plucking).
So I prefer to do oil bath on Sundays.
Hare Krishna
Hare krishna mata ji
i am from north india is rules are quite different according to geographical condition because here I heard there is no rule on sunday , there are restriction on dwadashi but not on sunday and even on ekadashi we can pluck leaves of tulsi maharani .....plzz clear my doubt regarding this .
Hare krishna 🙏
Hare Krishna,
We shouldn't pluck Tulasi maharani on EKADASHI, DWADASHI days. If you have to offer to Krishna on EKADASHI day. You must pluck Tulasi ji before day itself and save it for the next two days.
Sundays we don't pour water to Tulasi maharani.
you can read under this Radharasmai Mata ji also mentions Sunday we don't water tulasi ji. Plucking leaves We don't do on ekadashi and Dwadashi too.
read my reply there as well. Many of your questions will be resolved.
as far as head oiling and plucking...or oiling body and plucking is not really recommended. ( In oil resides Shani dev) they say. Anyhow.. If you are so much into rituals better go to the temple and ask them maybe the priest can guide you well.
Hare Krishna
Ok mata ji .....thank you for your guidence