The following conversation between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and a life member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness took place in August 1976 on an early-morning walk in Hyderabad, India.

Member: What is your view on birth control by contraception?

Srila Prabhupada: That is the most sinful activity. Birth control should be done by restraining sex.

Member: That is one way.

Srila Prabhupada: That is the only way approved in the sastra [scriptures]. All other ways are sinful.

Member: But people are committing sinful activities like contraception and abortion. What will happen to them?

Srila Prabhupada: They will suffer. Those who are killing children in the womb will themselves be killed.

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  • People are using dharma the way want and defending their sinful acts. 

    य: शास्त्रविधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारत: ।
    न स सिद्धिमवाप्‍नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम् ॥ २३ ॥
    16.23. He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination.
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