
  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    Why do other Vaishnav smapraday not consider Mahaprabhu an avatar and interpret those verses differently ?

    This question is best answered by those people who interpret those verses differently. Asking such a question here about why others do things differently doesn't make (highest) sense. . 

    What scriptural evidence is there for Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to be an avatar ?

    Hare Krsna

    Evidence of Lord CHAITNYA in scriptures
    "Incarnation for the Modern Age"Sri Chaitanya is the Kali-yuga avatara, and He descended for the purpose of establishing the yuga dharma, which in th…
    • This is a FAQ replied on my website in Encyclopedia section, article Caitanya (giving refs to some verses), and in Bhakti yoga section's topic Philosophy.

      Afaik, Vallabha sampradaya calls their founder "Mahaprabhu". That's fine but they can't show he was a son of Sacidevi, born in Mayapur, etc.

      Hari Hari
      ys J.

      PS: Is the forum spam ok with everyone?

      • Hare Krishna

        Kindly tell the  the name of your website 

        Hare Krishna 

        • See my profile.

          Hari Hari
          ys J.

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