Sri Adi Shankaracharya

Hare Krishna 

Dandwat Pranam 

Did Sri Adi Shankaracharya reject all Vaishnav agamas and told them as incorrect. Why so ?

Pls clarify this 


Radha Radha 

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    Did Sri Adi Shankaracharya reject all Vaishnav agamas ?

    No. Because during the lifetime of Sripada Adi Shankaracarya, there was not much of Vaihsnava Agamas prevalent in practice. 

    To understand this, we have to know some historical background. After emperor Ashoka adopted Buddhism, there was a huge wave of buddhism in Asian continent starting from India. Buddhism rejects the authority of the vedas. So the general population either converted to buddishm or became mere atheists or materialists. Either way the vedic practices were by and large minimal. The ruling emperors like Ashok and his successors would not fund the vedic practices in temples. Because of  this there was a large scale degradation of human society in Indian subcontinent. People became very materialistic and atheistic. 

    Sri Adi Shankaracarya appeared in order to rectify this situation by re-establishing the authority of vedas and also revive the vedic practices. If you see percentage wise, people practicing buddhism in India is very mininmal today. This can be attributed to the reformation by Sri Adi Shankaracarya. 

    Whatever practices that are found in Sanatana Dharma today(in homes and temples)  have their roots to the practices established by Sri Adi Shankacarya. Now the vedas are vast, really really vast. There are many many practices mentioned. Adi Shankaracarya and his followers adopted one methodology of worship. It does not mean the others are incorrect. Adi Shankaracarya re-established the vedic authority. How can he reject the practices of Vaishnava Agamas which are also coming from the  vedas ? It is illigocal  to think this way. 

    All acaryas accept the vedic authority in full. Nothing mentioned in the vedas can be rejected. The differences in practices are due to their difference in origin at different times and places. Also vaishnava acarya like  Sri Ramanujacarya & Madhwacarya further revived vaishnava siddhanta and practices based on the vedic scriptures during their times.

    Hare Krsna 

    • Sevak

      Hare Krsna 

      Most of the questions raised by seem to be like those of children in playgrounds quarelling "My daddy strongest, My car fastest". This type of thinking - my religion , my philisophy is the only way is not coming from vedas. These are coming from non-vedic backgrounds like Islam, Jewish, Christianity etc some of which may clearly state that their way is the only way and no other way can exist. This type of thinking leads to the situation in Gaza. 

      The vedic way is all inclusive. It never says this is the only way to self realization. There are hundreds of scriptures, hundreds of gurus, hundreds of practices. And this will continue to be so. 

      Hare Krsna

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