Sri Adi Shankaracharya

Hare Krishna 

Dandwat Pranam 

Was Sri Adi Shankaracharya a Vaishnav or did he consider Lord Shiva as supreme and many also say that he considered Lord Shiva as nirguna nirakar parabrahma as superior to Saguna Lord Vishnu  and did he consider Lord Vishnu as Isha and Lord Shiva is superior. If so then why Srila Prabhupada considered Sri Adi Shankaracharya as a great sadhu and Acharya.  Pls clear my this doubt

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada 


Radha Radha

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    All mayavadis who consider the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna , Sri Vishnu, Sri Rama as lower than anything/anyone are envious of Sri Krsna. They are bogus and their philosophy is poisonous.They are the greatest offenders of Sri Krsna as per Lord Sri Chaintanya Mahaprabhu. The mayavada philosophy is completely incorrect and this philosophy has been destroyed by Srila Jiva goswami, Sri Madhwacaraya and others long back. But still this bogus philosophy is still maintained by envious degraded creatures. 

    Why Srila Prabhupada considered Sri Adi Shankaracharya as a great sadhu and Acharya ?

    Because of the following reasons 

    1. Sripada Adi Shankaracarya was empowered incarnation of Lord Shiva. 

    2. He is one of the greatest Sannyasis to walk on this planet in kaliyuga 

    3. He re-established the authority of vedas onthis planet. 

    4. He drove off atheistic philosophies, Buddhism and speculated bogus religions prevalent during his lifetime.

    5. He has composed numerous shlokas glorigying Sri Krsna. His compositions are matchelessand timeless. 

    6. He single handedly revived Sanatana dharma, practices within Sanatana sharma at a time of great crisis when whole world was in deeply engrossed in ignorance. 

    Hare Krsna

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