
  • Hare Krishna



    For the Gaudiya Vaisanavas, this system of not plucking her leaves applies only on DWADASHI, the next day of Ekadashi. One can water her and can even touch her to transfer the pot from one place to another or for any other purpose. But SHOULD NOT pluck her leaves on that day. This Sunday's Tulsi "Holiday" of not touching, of not watering and of not plucking is being practised by the designated "Hindus" or may be they have some reason to play. Nevertheless, Gaudiyas Practise it on Dwadashi.


    The philosophy behind this is that Srimati Tulsi Maharani, the pure devotee of the Lord, keeps fasting on the whole Ekadashi and takes rest on Dwadashi. So the devotee in order to not to disturb or hurt her, don't pluck leaves.


    Now, one may ask- How do you get the Tulsi leaves for offering on Dwadashi and other purposes?

    Suggestion on, what most of the devotees do- Advance savings. Keep some advance Tulsi leaves for Dwadashi for offering purposes. Or one may pick the leaves fallen on the ground around the pot and then after thoroughly washing it, can use it for offering.


    I could only try to give a glimpse of it. Please consult senior devotees for details. Other's replies are welcomed.


    Your servant

  • Volunteer
    My wife and I have never heard such a thing. Who told you this?
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