Sada Shiv and Normal shiv

Hare Krsna to all ,

Jai Sri Radhekrsna

A great devotee told me that there are 2 kinds of shiv one is sadashiv and other one is Normal shiv.

My question is where do both the Shivas stay. Is SadaShiv ji present in kailasa or vaikunta as a most important associate of LORD KRSNA. and where doesnormal shiv be present ?

Where is kailasa , i mean in which world is kailasa present . is it present in material world or in spiritual world?

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  • Accually KRISHNA is comparable to VISHNU & Shiva, yet Sri Shiva nor VISHNU are noT actually Comprabal To KRISHNA So it is not truly fair to interchange Them as Him. In Fact, So to do so is not complmentary to amyOne. Just as compring the in-exzostable with the finent does not truly represent the Greatest truth accurately. But/& yet those two are "are formost at representing the infinent qulitys of the HeadGod, ultimately KRISHNA IS KRISHNA ALONE & INCOMPRABAL & VISHNU & SHIVA ARE Comparabal to one another but nither of them are. Accualy inzfact k Truth comparable to Krishna in abiltys nore the understanding of Hi's - Krishna's creation(s). I feel that this Should be properly Understood. For all! Thank you for your considerations.Krishna Hay
  • Sevak

    Ādi 6.112
    mūla bhakta-avatāra śrī-saṅkarṣaṇa
    bhakta-avatāra taṅhi advaite gaṇana

    Word for word:
    mūla — original; bhakta — of a devotee; avatāra — incarnation; śrī-saṅkarṣaṇa — Lord Śrī Saṅkarṣaṇa; bhakta-avatāra — the incarnation of a devotee; taṅhi — as that; advaite — Advaita Ācārya; gaṇana — counting.
    The original bhakta-avatāra is Saṅkarṣaṇa. Śrī Advaita is counted among such incarnations.

    Although Śrī Advaita Prabhu belongs to the Viṣṇu category, He displays servitorship to Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu as one of His associates. When Lord Viṣṇu appears as a servitor, He is called an incarnation of a devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Śrī Saṅkarṣaṇa, who is an incarnation of Viṣṇu in the spiritual sky known as the greater Vaikuṇṭha, is the chief of the quadruple incarnations and is the original incarnation of a devotee. Lord Mahā-Viṣṇu, who is lying on the Causal Ocean, is a manifestation of Saṅkarṣaṇa. He is the original Personality of Godhead who glances over the material and efficient causes of the cosmic manifestation. Advaita Prabhu is accepted as an incarnation of Mahā-Viṣṇu. All the plenary manifestations of Saṅkarṣaṇa are indirect expansions of Lord Kṛṣṇa. That consideration also makes Advaita Prabhu an eternal servitor of Gaura Kṛṣṇa. Therefore He is accepted as a devotee incarnation.

  • Hare Krishna Prabhuji's

    So the shiva lingum that is being worshiped by Hindus is a representation of which shiva? Sada Shiv(lord Sankarsana) residing in vaikunth or Lord shiva residing in Kailash?

    And with respect to normal shiva(residing in kailash)....

    When Lord Shiva (rudra) was born from Brahma's anger that  implies that Brahma is the father of Shiva(rudra)

    then how come shiva(rudra) does not belong to jiva-tattva (same level as Brahma)

    Will appreciate your answers with examples which will make it more clear.

    • Sevak

      Hare Krishna Mata Ji. PAMHO. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      The Shiva lingum is form of Rudra or Lord Shiva who resides in Kailash. As for your second question. Lord Shiva is a unique person. He is not God nor is he a jiva although born from Brahma who is a jiva. For example, Krishna when he took avatar on Earth, he was born as the son of Devaki. But does that make Devaki and Krishna at the same level? No. Devaki is still a devotee of Krishna. Lord Shiva is more powerful than Lord Brahma because Lord Brahma creates but Lord Shiva destroys that creation. Lord Shiva always looks like a youth, unlike Lord Brahma who ages like ordinary jivas. And at the end of creation after Lord Shiva burns the whole universe with fire from his 3rd eye, he merges into the body of Lord Vishnu.

      Hari Bol! 

      • Hare Krishna Prabhuji

        Thank you for your explanation.

  • Hore Krishna.
    1)According to Bramha-sanghita ,Lord sada shiva is krishna himself.and thus sada shiva is sat-chit-ananda.He resides in the end of the material universe there are 7 barricades.Then there is BIROJA river.after this river there is spiritual sky where the liberated souls of nirbeshesh badi(jnan jogi) roam about. then there is shiva loke or kailas. after kailas there is Baikuntha.
    2)This Lord sada shiva has various incarnations called far as i remember rudra is created by Bramha from his forehead.Actually the task of annihilating this universe is performed bu Rudras.
    3)Krishna and all his expansions are bisnu-tatwa.Radha rani and her expansions are shakti-tatwa.Lord shada shiva is shiva-tatwa.and all the remaining are jiva tatwa(of course all the demi gods including bramha belongs to jiva tatwa).
    hori bol
    servant of your servant.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Anusha Rudraradhya Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    There are as i remember 12 Rudras in this Universe.

    Lord Sada Shiva is Advaita Acharya as i heard from Devotees.

    Lord Shiva resides in the Kailash mountains which are in between Vaikuntha and material worlds. 

      Your servant,


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