
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna!

    There are various ways to deliver or satisfy our forefathers, apart from performing pujas. Some additional ways include:

    1. Offering Tarpana: Tarpana is the act of offering water and sesame seeds to departed ancestors. This ritual is performed with devotion and gratitude, expressing our love and respect for them.

    2. Performing Shraddha: Shraddha is a ceremony conducted to honor and remember our ancestors. It involves offering food and water to them, seeking their blessings, and performing rituals to benefit their souls.

    3. Engaging in Selfless Service: Engaging in acts of selfless service, such as donating to charity, helping the needy, or performing acts of kindness in the name of our ancestors, can bring them spiritual benefit and satisfaction.

    4. Chanting Mantras and Prayers: Regularly chanting mantras or prayers dedicated to the well-being and liberation of our ancestors can help uplift their souls and bring them spiritual progress.

    5. Studying Sacred Scriptures: Studying and reciting sacred scriptures like the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, or other Vedic texts with the intention of dedicating the merit to our ancestors can bring them spiritual upliftment.

    It is important to remember that these practices should be performed with a sincere and selfless heart, seeking the well-being and liberation of our ancestors. By engaging in these activities, we can express our love, gratitude, and devotion towards them, and help them progress on their spiritual journey.

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