Passport to Goloka

Hare Krishna!

I Had some Questions regarding Goloka...

1- How does Goloka Look Like and what is there according to the Scriptural Descriptions? 

2- How to go to Goloka? (All the Requirements) 

3- How do I know if I am capable of going to Goloka?

4- What's the difference between Material World and Goloka? (As in what's there in Goloka that Material World doesn't have?)

5- Will I be able to talk to Krishna and Play/dance/etc... with him because there are already Trillions of Souls (Devotees) who are already busy with Krishna

6- What's the Difference Between Vaikuntha Dham, Saket Dham, and Goloka and how far away are they from each other?

7- Once we enter Goloka, is it possible for being able to travel to other spiritual worlds (Just for touring :D)?

8- Can I meet Prabhupada and all the other Gurus in Goloka or will they change out there and would not be able to meet them for some reason (like forgetting me, a materialistic human stuck in Maya)?

I am a Neophyte Rascal, Thus I don't know anything except Chanting, Regulative Principles, Some Stories from Srimad Bhagavatam, and eating Prasadam.

Hare Krishna!

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    1- How does Goloka Look Like and what is there according to the Scriptural Descriptions? 

    Here is a glimpse of how Goloka Looks. For more please read the whole book - Sri Brahma Samhita  For even mre you will need to reach there.

    2- How to go to Goloka?  (All the Requirements)

    There is only one requirement - Love Krsna only. 

    man-manā bhava mad-bhakto
    mad-yājī māṁ namaskuru
    mām evaiṣyasi satyaṁ te
    pratijāne priyo ’si me

    Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend. (BG 18.65)

    3- How do I know if I am capable of going to Goloka?

    Every living being in this material world is capable of going to Goloka. 

    4- What's the difference between Material World and Goloka?

    In material world everything is temporary. Living entities have been provided temporary bodies, duties, relationships etc. Material world is a poor imitation of spiritual world. In Spiritual world there are real and eternal personalities, relationships, activties and pastimes. 

    (As in what's there in Goloka that Material World doesn't have?)

    Eternal service Krsna along with His other pure devotees. Basically it is an eternal real party out there. 

    5- Will I be able to talk to Krishna and Play/dance/etc... with him because there are already Trillions of Souls (Devotees) who are already busy with Krishna


    7- Once we enter Goloka, is it possible for being able to travel to other spiritual worlds (Just for touring :D)?

    You may not want to, so nobody knows. 

    8- Can I meet Prabhupada ?


    I don't know anything except Chanting, Regulative Principles, Some Stories from Srimad Bhagavatam, and eating Prasadam. 

    You are on the right track

    Hare Krsna

    Śrī brahma-saṁhitā 5.56
  • Hare Krishna,

    most of the questions you asked is told in this vid very clearly by Mata ji . Because of your questions I also got the chance to hear this wonderful lecture. 

    Spare time to go thru  a long lecture of 1hr. plus. You will really feel nice internally try to listen carefully to the lecture with desire to learn. So much good information is being told. Do not fast forward. Just listen.

    Hare Krishna.

    • Wonderful Lecture! And I have seen many of her lectures as well earlier, but this one's my favorite as of now.
      It helped me realize that we should have more desire for Krishna. If I had the opportunity of a free Airplane behind me, I'd just Abandon everything and dash into the plane forgetting everything. But I am not that lucky that Krishna will send a Special plane for a dumbhead like me.

      Association is very important to get qualified and this is where it's a challenge.
      I go to a school where everyone ignores Krishna. There are many Abusive, Flirts, Dirt brained, Video Gaming Students.

      This is why many times I am pretty lonely at school. So What should I do in that case? Also, many people make fun of me for talking about Krishna and "Religion" At School So I stopped talking about these kinds of stuff in school because no one is interested and people try to ignore me. I feel very sad out there and filed a Petition to Krishna, but not yet received any response.
      Also many times, I am not able to focus on Krishna and many times get knocked out by Krishna's Head Employee, Maya, and not able to render service correctly or better to say not able to "serve" only.

      "But, Whatever... It's Krishna's Mercy!" Mahaprabhu Ji, from Alachua, Told this to me. :D

    • Hare krsna dear devotee,

      All glories to sri guru and guru parampara. How astonishing that when we are approaching that divine couple we all have similarities desires in our mind!!  What you have said here I have same questions and inquiries and same time by That divine couple grace, we have  also got direction for our favourable desiring according Nectar of Devotion and cultivation the favourable mind for devotional life or spiritual life.


      May we receieve guru's and guruparampara's grace ,mercy, kripa!!

      Hare krsna

  • I just read about this last night in Nectar of Devotion. In the section on characteristics of a pure devotee.  The goal is not Goloka. The goal is not even going back to Godhead. The goal is to be a pure devotee. As a pure devotee, Krishna is with you everywhere. Srila Prabhupada was always with Krishna, and was never in need of anything. Chanting and service are they keys. 


    "In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Third Canto, 29th Chapter, 10th verse, Śrīla Kapiladeva, while instructing His mother, has given the following characteristics of pure devotional service: "My dear mother, those who are My pure devotees, and who have no desire for material benefit or philosophical speculation, have their minds so much engaged in My service that they are never interested in asking Me for anything-except to be engaged in that service.

    They do not even beg to live in My abode with Me." There are five kinds of liberation, namely to become one with the Lord, to live with the Supreme Lord on the same planet, to have the same features as the Lord, to enjoy the same opulences as the Lord, and to live as a companion of the Lord.

    A devotee, not to speak of rejecting material sense gratification, does not even want any of the five kinds of liberation.

    He is satisfied simply by discharging loving service to the Lord.

    That is the characteristic of pure devotion."

    • Hare krsna ,

      I had a same questions in my mibd and same time got direction for our mind to cultivate devotional life.


      Hare krsna

    • I see...
      So, not everyone talks to Krishna out there in Goloka.

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    • That is a very big challenge to me... but I will 

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        • Though I want to do it in this birth, it'll take many Births for me I feel.

          I never forget devotees. Krishna's Devotees are always stored in my Permanent folder. :D

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