
  • Volunteer
    Examining the Effects of Meditation Techniques on Psychosocial Functioning
    David B. Wolf

    State of Florida Department of Health,

    Neil Abell

    Florida State University

    Objective: An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of chanting the maha mantra on stress, depression, and the three gunas—sattva (enlightenment), rajas (passion), and tamas (inertia)—described in the Vedas as the basis of human psychology. Primary hypotheses of the study were that the maha mantra group would increase sattva and decrease stress, depression, rajas, and tamas significantly more than the other groups. Method: Participants were tested at pretest, posttest, and follow-up, with testing times separated by 4 weeks. Participants were randomly assigned to a maha mantra group, an alternate mantra (placebo) group, and a control group. Results: MANOVA results supported these hypotheses from pretest to posttest at p < .05 for all dependent variables except rajas. Conclusions: The authors suggest that the maha mantra has potential in addressing problems related to stress and depression and that it be considered as one possible component of a spiritual approach to social work practice.
  • Chanting Hare krishna is a trancendental sound vibration which takes one above the material platform and situates us above the mode of goodness. So as soon as one rises above the modes he becomes more relaxed and blissful. This is the spiritual platform always satchidananda- eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. Even though we are not completely in the spiritual platform even a semblance of it is completely capable of relieving our mundane stress and tensions day to day life.
    Thisis how this process is scientific and any sincere soul who takes to the chanting of the holy name will experience without fail. Through chanting we are directly associating with Lord Krishna himself. He is non different from his holy name, so obviously we will not feel lonely once we associate with Krishna through his Holy Name as he is the best friend we can ever have.
    So whether one feels like chanting or not, is happy or sad or stressed one should continue the chanting the holy names as the goal of chanting is not to relieve us of our stress or cope with our problems, the goal of chanting is to please Krishna and only by pleasing him will we ever become happy.

    thank you very much.
    Sita devi dasi
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