Panca Tattva located on your Hands!

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Srila Gurudeva, and Sripad Gauranga.Hare KrishnaI have realized that I see the Lord and His associates on our hands!Our middle finger is always above all the rest of the fingers.This finger I identify as Sriman Mahaprabhuji's position.To the left of this middle finger (the pointer finger) is a slight position underneath.This finger I identify as Sriman Nityananda Prabhuji.To the left of this finger, I identify Sripad Advaita Acaryadeva.On the other side of the middle finger I see Sripad Gadadhara Pandit, and Srivas Thakur Panditji.I hope this serves as a reminder that our hands are Lord Gauranga's hands.May we use these hands in His Divine Service.Your Aspiring Servant,Bhakta David

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  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Devotees,

    for 1-2 days thought what to write here...

    Dear David Prabhuji, please let's not put such like things without any reference to authorized shastras! In the other hand in astrology we know that middle finger represents Saturn, big finger mars, tiny one mercury, in between tiny and middle Sun, in between middle and big Jupiter.

    And these planets are also represented by Krishna's only incarnations. Like Jupiter is Vamana Dev, Sun Lord Rama, others forgot.


    And in other side it is good to see everything and remember about Krishna. As like Kamsa. When his servant brought to him white and black grapes he immediately remembered Krishna and Balaram. 

    • Volunteer

      our own realizations should be checked by Guru, Sadhu and Shastra otherwise we have to be careful.

      And it is again nice to see Krishna in everything. Because Krishna is in every atom and everything is out of His energy in this way Krishna is everything at the same time He is different from everything.

      We can not say that my middle finger is Lord Gouranga and start to do Pooja to my middle finger, no! 

      And it is true that our body is a tiny copy of the big Universal form of Krishna - Virat Rupa. And in that Virat Rupa Krishna in His different incarnations resides. Because of that we apply Tilak in those 12 main places in our body calling the Names of a particular Incarnations of Krishna.

      Keshav, Narayana, Madhavaya, Govindaya...

      Please forgive me again, but let's be serious about what we put here in front of so many visitors of this web site. What will think new comers? ??


      Also this five may mean before 5 AM we have to finish our at least 5 rounds...

      Your servant,

  • Sevak

    Very nice

    Thank you very much prabhu !

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