Hare Krsna,

All glories to all devotees..........

In shrimad Bhagavatam it is mentioned that God has given everyone as much as freedom that they deserved and due to the misuse of this freedom everyone suffers.But what i am not understanding is means exactly what  kind of freedom its for enjoying material life or what?


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  • Volunteer
    Dear devotee Hare Krsna.   Krsna has given you this gift of 4 types of freedom.  Action,  words,  thoughts and desire.  You have the choise how you will use them.  And along with the freedom comes responsability.  As youre growing you are given more and more responsability.  So this human form of life is really such a rare and valuble gift you got after a long time.  Sense gratification is available in the animal body too but they cannot come to the temple and hear about Sri Krsna.  As a human we get this opertunity.     So by your choise and good fortune your soul is evolving towards Krsna the supreme personality of Godhead.  That is the gradual development of consciousness. to the human form and then youre given a little freedom and responsabiliy... And from here you can get many options and diverssions.  So many choises to serve maya.  Or you are offered  also so many choises to serve in the service of the Supreme Lord.   I know who Im going to choose.Haribol
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