Hare Krsna,

Please solve my doubt...

As we know that our consciousness comes from birth to birth. Shrila Prabhupadji  has told that sense are very strong in the youth that one is not able to control them fully … mostly  everyone has dream 2 enjoy family life …one is very interested in seeking self realization but  not ready to accept  brahmacharya during whole life…. for them Prabhupadaji has given them option of marriage…..but some devotee  is  still confident to  to accept brahmacharya … MEANS ONE IS  ABLE  TAKE CONTOL  ON SOMETHING AND OTHER  IS NOT  ……so is that mean this is  because  everyone is  in different  position on the ladder or cycle  of perfection and law of karma ???Means what exactly I want to ask that , is up to certain extend only  one is  able to control his senses with  according to his position in the ladder of perfection and law of karma and his some last births   OR  its totally  depend on our persistency or determination?????? 



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