Hare Krishna. I know I should be more tolerant than a tree. However, There is a very hostile workplace bully at my job. If I am more tolerant than a tree and ready to offer all respects to this person this workplace bully is going to make my life a living hell. I have tried to be nice and each week I try to be even nicer to her. The nicer I am, the worse her behavior. She seems to mistake my kindness for weakness. I am not weak. I am  standing up to this bully to protect both  myself and the patient I am taking care of. Any suggestions? Thanks


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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    for example, even if a Devotee does not act properly with me or with some other person i make a face or speak some words in order to stop that Devotee's bad actions. 

     within my heart i pray for that Devotee but externally i show that i get angry and i do not like her actions. 

    i am not able to just tolerate such like things. 

    if problem goes deeper and deeper then i will try to keep some distance. but even though the problem stays then i will try to speak to that Devotee and solve the problem with clear words without any harsh words.

    Just as comrades. explain everything which you dislike and requests you want to make.

    if even though that Devotee did not changed then i just do not talk to that person but deeply pray to Krishna to help her. To be merciful to her.

    it says that even if you are humble snake which does not bite just show your tongue when it is needed in order to show that you are a snake and you do not like bad association. 

    Your servant, 

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