
Pranam Prabhuji/Mataji

I apologize unto your Lotus Feet for all offences committed knowingly or unknowingly. Please bless me that all offences committed to you will be removed. Please bless me the strength to avoid Vaishnava-Aparadha.

I have a question about nutrition. In terms of nutrition, how will the body efficiently make/get DHA and EPA omega-3 in large quantities? By consuming Omega-3 through a vegetarian diet, Omega-3 in the form of ALA will be consumed. ALA is capable of converting into DHA and EPA, in a tiny amount. How will the body efficiently make DHA and EPA omega-3 in large quantities, following the Satvic diet, without consuming a Non-Vegetarian diet? May you please guide me?


I apologize unto the Lotus Feet of everyone I offended knowingly. Please remove any offences committed at your Lotus Feet.

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    how will the body efficiently get DHA and EPA omega-3 without consuming a Non-Vegetarian diet?

    Short answer - Milk 

    As per ayurveda these are the elements that are transformation of food. 

    Food -> Rasa Dhatu ( plasma) -> Rakta (Blood) -> Mamsa (Muscle) -> Meda ( Fat) -> Asti (Bone) -> Majja ( Marrow) -> Shukra (Semen) 

    Whatever elements are obtained through blood/ Flesh/ Egg or any other violent or unhygenic or degraded dead bodies of lower life forms, the same elements are available from their milk. 

    Milk is a hygenic, non-violent and natural transformation blood of animal as per design of Sri Krsna. Civilized people live in harmony with Sri Krsna and other children of Sri Krsna (including animals, birds etc) and by doing so thet get the best of benefits that Sri Krsna has provided. 

    When I say milk, it refers to milk obtained through hand action (non-mechanised) from non-hybrid cows that get sunlight and eat natural (non-chemical) food. 

    Hare Krsna

    • Pranam Prabhu/Mataji,

      Hare Krishna

      I apologize unto your Lotus Feet for all offences committed knowingly or unknowingly. Please bless me that all offences committed at your Lotus Feet will be removed. Maybe offensive word appeared out of the physical mouth or through the inner voice(maybe mind).

    • Prabhu, I have a question. What kind of Cow milk is best to drink; grassfed Cow milk or Cow milk due to Cow eating grain, soy, alfalfa, and corn products?

      • Sevak

        Hare Krsna

        I am not an expert. I think cows need grass. But grass alone is not sufficient. They need grains/pulses. I am not sure what alfalfa is. They can eat corn. 

        Anything factory made is substandard, even for humans. Simple rule - How were Krsna & Balaram taking care of cows in Vrindavan. That is the best way. 

        Hare Krsna

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    I have to admit, I dont understand the language yhou have written - Omega 3, DHA, EPA, ALA.

    What I know is - generations have survived on a vegetarian diet for ages and there has never been any physical weakness or such thing. z

    Eat wholesome home prepared satvik food, maintain satvik lifestyle, chant and be happy. You will also be healthy.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

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