A couple of months ago, Ajita, the temple president of New Govardhana Australia, banned me from the entire property because I was taking Prasadam with everyone else in the mornings. Its a little more complex than that, so let me rundown potentially why he feels this way.

Over a year and a half ago, I traveled from my hometown 800km away to live in the ASRAM of New Govardhana. There i spent 3 months totally dedicated to the program, also traveling to various music festivals volunteering myself to cook and distribute prasadam. After 3 months I went back to my Local temple, New Gokula farm where i spent some months then I came back to NG. At New Govardhana I started living in my van in the backpacker/traveler area because  i still had traveling desires, and i couldnt committ myself to asram life. I started working 6 days a week and getting paid to travel and distribute prasadam. After a few months in the travelers area , the head coordinator, Maidreya,

went off at me, swearing in my face because he caught me not working for a split second( the last straw for him, he was already acting totally innapropriate for a while before this). I thought this was a complete joke and proceeded to camp on next doors property, whom the owner i know very well. 

after a few weeks of that, and still going over to the temple some days for breakfast, Ajita the temple preseident approached me out of the blue (thought we were actually friends until this moment, he bought me new shoes before and he has had me at his place numerous times for pizza nights) and started letting me know how much i didnt want to work for him, and how dishonest I am, how im just using the farm for facilities and to fill my belly. 

Im completely bewildered, I know its Krishnas arrangement, but this seems so unfair. What should i do? Pray to Gurudeva and Nityananda? help please!

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  • Hare Krishna. It seems to me that most Temples have financial problems. Perhaps they cannot afford to feed everyone breakfast prasadam?  Ask the Temple president what you have to do in order to return to the Temple and then do it.

    • Volunteer

      yes, true.

      If i were You i also would ask for the solution.

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