HARE KRISHNA! I have been reading here that SRI VYASDEVA has written different scriptures for different people but Narada seems very disappointed with this idea of Vyasdeva. SP also supports Narada
Narada says to Vyasadeva
SB 1.5.14: Whatever you desire to describe that is separate in vision from the Lord simply reacts, with different forms, names and results, to agitate the mind as the wind agitates a boat which has no resting place.
SB 1.5.15: The people in general are naturally inclined to enjoy, and you have encouraged them in that way in the name of religion. This is verily condemned and is quite unreasonable. Because they are guided under your instructions, they will accept such activities in the name of religion and will hardly care for prohibitions.
Because giving too many directions to the brainless creatures of Kaliyuga will only confuse them. All the vedic scriptures and rituals just confuse the people and they are lost in performing something or the other. Just as we can see in India people have his own beliefs, way of worship, worship-able entitiy yet no purpose of doing it all.
SB cuts it all, gives the highest purpose and way to achieve it
Hare Krishna Siddhartha Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Vedas promise many things - material things and many more. Because of that Narada Muni did not like it.
Because in Kali yuga people will have less time and if they spend time for Demigod worship, for artha, kama then only moksha...so less time. Because of that he told him to give direct way - service to Krishna.
Your servant,