Funny HKDP ( hare krishna dandavat pranam) is it that? Then AGTSP and PAMHO
What is Surrender?
Surrendering ones senses, mind and intellect plus the false ego is Surrender isn't it?
once you surrender everything to Krishna. Do you have anything else in ur mind ( apart from Krishna). Once your eyes, nose and ears mouth surrendered to Krishna completely and you lose ur intellect. You are called MAD in this material world as you appear to be detached from people, places and things. When you are fully mad in such a way with seeing Krishna everywhere and feeling Krishna in everything around. Losing intellect to distinguish between what is real and unreal.
You will see a snake and think it is Krishna and hug it. At that time your intellect is not even judging and telling ur mind and senses ( hey thats a snake don't got near to it).
You will lose false ego that time. That I am different from the snake? how? I am a soul and the snake is also having a soul. You will not be seeing it as a snake also. You will be seeing Krishna in you and all things around. Lost false ego that distinguishes between you and other beings or one which makes us feel different and independent of Krishna.
When you are in such a state is there a necessity of mind intellect and false ego?
just wondering what would have been that state of gopi's
those who lost their minds and false egos and running after trees and bees and asking them.. hey.. yamuna sister did you see Kanha going this way. Hey .. bee you are also like our kanha who goes after every flower ( gopi) did you see our krishna coming this way.
Pagal log jo mann buddhi ahankaar ko kho dete hai wahi Krishna ke premi hai.
to interact with krishna we may get a spiritual body with all senses and mind and go which has nothing but krishna images stored in the mind. and true ego that " I belong to Krishna" is only left that time.
Material mind, intelligence & false ego are material elements and are restricted to material realm. But in spiritual world, liberated souls interact with Krsna and devotees using spiritual senses, mind , Intelligence
It is a good question because even the sound waves of the Hare Krsna vibration are made of air molecules which are material.
Actually our material mind, intelligence and ego gets progressively spiritualized in proportion to our bhakti.
The example of an iron rod placed in fire is given. If the iron rod is material and the fire is spiritual, after some time the iron rod begins to grow like the fire, bhakti is like fire. There is a difference and yet there is oneness in quality. This analogy is given by Srila Prabhupada in the Bhaktivedanta Purports.
Hare Krishna,
Funny HKDP ( hare krishna dandavat pranam) is it that? Then AGTSP and PAMHO
What is Surrender?
Surrendering ones senses, mind and intellect plus the false ego is Surrender isn't it?
once you surrender everything to Krishna. Do you have anything else in ur mind ( apart from Krishna). Once your eyes, nose and ears mouth surrendered to Krishna completely and you lose ur intellect. You are called MAD in this material world as you appear to be detached from people, places and things.
When you are fully mad in such a way with seeing Krishna everywhere and feeling Krishna in everything around. Losing intellect to distinguish between what is real and unreal.
You will see a snake and think it is Krishna and hug it. At that time your intellect is not even judging and telling ur mind and senses ( hey thats a snake don't got near to it).
You will lose false ego that time. That I am different from the snake? how? I am a soul and the snake is also having a soul. You will not be seeing it as a snake also. You will be seeing Krishna in you and all things around. Lost false ego that distinguishes between you and other beings or one which makes us feel different and independent of Krishna.
When you are in such a state is there a necessity of mind intellect and false ego?
just wondering what would have been that state of gopi's
those who lost their minds and false egos and running after trees and bees and asking them.. hey.. yamuna sister did you see Kanha going this way. Hey .. bee you are also like our kanha who goes after every flower ( gopi) did you see our krishna coming this way.
Pagal log jo mann buddhi ahankaar ko kho dete hai wahi Krishna ke premi hai.
to interact with krishna we may get a spiritual body with all senses and mind and go which has nothing but krishna images stored in the mind. and true ego that " I belong to Krishna" is only left that time.
Hare Krishna
thank you mataji
Hare Krsna
Material mind, intelligence & false ego are material elements and are restricted to material realm. But in spiritual world, liberated souls interact with Krsna and devotees using spiritual senses, mind , Intelligence
Hare Krsna
thank you prabhuji
Hare Krsna
It is a good question because even the sound waves of the Hare Krsna vibration are made of air molecules which are material.
Actually our material mind, intelligence and ego gets progressively spiritualized in proportion to our bhakti.
The example of an iron rod placed in fire is given. If the iron rod is material and the fire is spiritual, after some time the iron rod begins to grow like the fire, bhakti is like fire. There is a difference and yet there is oneness in quality. This analogy is given by Srila Prabhupada in the Bhaktivedanta Purports.
Hari Bol
Thank you prabhuji