
  • Hare Krishna. Thanks all for your comments. Tomorrow is my Birthday and I am feeling sorry for myself because I have to go hungry. So I should eat a good lunch today and then after lunch, just drink a lot of fluids. I had never heard of skipping dinner before now. I have done this Ekadasi before and I will do it tomorrow even if it kills me and it probably will. I am a food addict so this Ekadasi is very difficult for me.

    • Everyone can do the Nirjala Ekadasi fast tomorrow. It is said that a human body can survive 8-14 days without water so no excuses. Just do it. I even read about an elderly woman who was trapped in  earthquake rubble for 8 days with no food and no water and she survived.

  • Any Ekadashi is observed for the PLEASURE of the Lord and not out of PRESSURE for us. It is either DO IT or DON'T DO IT.  We are so absorbed for the material way of life that we think how can we live without water and food for 24 hours, but if you see Jains and how they follow fasting, nirjal ekadashi is nothing. Your terminology of fasting is like Muslims who follow fasting during Ramadan, eat for 12 hours and fast for 12 hours, this is not a fasting again, but still their philosophy accepts it.  Nirjal ekadashi is the most merciful ekadashi's given to us by the Lord. Once Bhima told Krsna that he cannot do fasting like others, and that he couldn't live without food for whole day.  So, Krsna replied stating that if he followed at least one ekadashi without food or water, he would be considered to have followed all ekadashis in the year.  So, this ekadashi is named after Pandavas.  Have faith in Krsna and determine that you will fast without hesitation or fear and I bet you feel the need for water or food on that day.

    Don't do any extra planning or preparation for nirjal ekadashi, just eat normally as you would the previous day.

    All your senses will do ekadashi along with you.  Hare Krsna..

  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Mataji,

    basically to fast on Ekadashi will be easy if we do the next:

    Before a day to Ekadashi for breakfast we eat nicely, then we take nice lunch Prasadam then after 3-4 hours after lunch we have to drink as much as we can or like pure water.

    Here nicely means foods like dhal, chapati, rice...which give much energy.

    But it is not correct to eat food even at 4 AM in the morning of Ekadashi day. i never heard about it.

    And we have to pray very much to Hrishikesh - Krishna and He will surely help us.

    And i am sure that there will be organized many hour Kirtans on that day so we can sit and just chant the Holy Names whole day.

    Your servant,  

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