Location of Shrivatsa ?

I thought that Maa Lakshmi must be residing either in the center of Lord Vishnu's chest or at the heart i.e. the left side of Lord Vishnu's chest.

But reading from


I'm perplexed reading that the location of Shrivatsa is actually at the right side of Lord Vishnu's chest. Can anyone kindly explain to me why right?

Similar question, where is Sri Krishna said to reside in humans, at the heart i.e. left side of chest or center? And Maa Radha is said to reside along with him in humans?

Thank you and my obeisance to you.

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    Maa Lakshmi must be residing either in the center of Lord Vishnu's chest or at the heart i.e. the left side of Lord Vishnu's chest.

    śyāmāvadāto jhaṣa-rāja-kuṇḍala-
    tviṣollasac-chrī-vadanāmbujaḥ pumān
    śrīvatsa-vakṣā balayāṅgadollasat-

    The body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, blackish in complexion, was free from all inebrieties. His lotus face, decorated with earrings resembling sharks, appeared very beautiful, and on His bosom was the mark of Śrīvatsa. He wore bangles on His wrists, armlets on His arms, a helmet on His head, a belt on His waist, a sacred thread across His chest, and ankle bells decorating His lotus feet. (SB 8.19.2)

    Most descriptions of Srivatsa mention that it is on the vakṣaḥ. Vaksha refers to chest or bosom. We shouldn't exactly think of it as a particular functional organ like chest or heart or lungs. Think of it like when a mother picks up her child and embraces, she brings the child as close to her as possible, to her bosom. Lovers get close and embrace their loved ones to their bosom. That is the meaning of vaksha. Similarly mother Lakshmi is dearmost to Lord Vishnu, she is always residing in the bosom of Lord Vishnu as close as possible. 

    The Lord is further described as having the mark of Śrīvatsa, or the sitting place of the goddess of fortune ( SB 4.8.47) 

    As per the above translation srivatsa is certainly a mark which  indicates the residing place of Sri Lakshmi on the chest of Sri Vishnu. I have no clue why Srivatsa is on the right side on the deity. 

    Where is Sri Krishna said to reside in humans, at the heart i.e. left side of chest or center? 

    Lord Sri Krishna manifests as four handed Vishnu form within the heart of not just humans, but all living beings including ants, birds, fish, trees, grass  etc. Heart means the seat of consciousness. 

    Maa Radha is said to reside along with him in humans?


    Hare Krsna

    • Thank you 🙏

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