
  • Volunteer

    Dear devotee Haare Krsna,   ignorance means suffering.    They may be blind to the suffering in that ignorance but still it is very great suffering.    

    Eating the flesh and blood of bodies that are roasted boiled and baked and fried. 

      They don't care what pain it caused.  They even like to see the animal in pain before it dies screaming and they think it tastes better when they die like that. 

    Drinking beer wine whisky rum and taking drugs they feel they're having a very good time.   

     Then they vomit and have a hangover and say.      That was such a good night out I can hardly remember a thing.

    Looking for sex every day.  maybe this one.    Maybe that one.     like dogs sniffing in the street

    They use contraceptives and abortion killing their own babies in the womb.

    working like asses they study for years to get a job.   Some job they often hate.  

     Working for some boss and getting paid so they can buy the latest mobile phone and other useless stuff.    

      Brain washed by the TV and moovies they all work hard to get the latest jeans and have a family. 

    So greedy for money they lie and cheat and gamble.

     Growing old quickly they get diseased and die.       And then they go to hell 

    In kali yuga no one is spared  the curuption,  these things are going on everywhere .

    Meat eatng,       Ilicit sex,         Intoxication,            Gambling.

    The devotees give these sinful activities up and engage in doing sacrifice for the pleasure of the Suprene Lord by chanting His Holy Names.    Hare Krsna.       And by this they are saved  from the degrading  modern age of Kali.



    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna Jagadatma Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      All these things are there in our lives, at least were in our previous materialistic lives.

      But we thought that we are living correct life: living to eat, to gamble, to enjoy life anyhow we can. We thought that this life is the last, and lasts only for "5 days" because of that we have to take as much as we can.

      Because we were thought like that.

      Few days before i read in one medical forum one mataji asks a doctor if she can wear her sari below her navel because she has pain and something like that. Doctor writes: do whatever you want, whatever you like, it is your own choice.

      what kind of life is this?

        and i think first responsibility lies on to the learned class of people who have to take care of ignorant people.

      Before coming to KC, i really thought that i was been in the right way.


      • Volunteer

        Hare Krsna mataji.    My spiritual master Srila Prabhupada has asked us to co operate with him and spread this knowledgr of Srimad Bhagavatam and the chanting of the Holy Name to every town and village.

        He has encoraged us that by the scincere attempt to glorify the Supreme Lord the atmosphere of the  planet can be purified.
        If educated and intelligent people , the leaders of society can see the benefit of Srimad Bhagavetam as the solution to all the worlds problems then the common man who are like tools in the hands of the leaders and the politiciams will get the super most benefit by broadcasting the transcendental message of Bhagavatam throughout the entire world.

        By hearing Bhagavatam the hearts of the people will be completely changed and they will oppose this  propaganda by a section of people to stop glorification of the name and fame of the Supreme Lord.

        As soon as millions of people follow Bhagavatam and loudly chant the Names of the Lord then the influence Kali will slacken and the madness of this dark age will be sobdued.


        On the other hand, that literature which is full of descriptions of the transcendental glories of the name, fame, forms, pastimes, etc., of the unlimited Supreme Lord is a different creation, full of transcendental words directed toward bringing about a revolution in the impious lives of this world's misdirected civilization. Such transcendental literatures, even though imperfectly composed, are heard, sung and accepted by purified men who are thoroughly honest.  SB 1.5.11


        The prediction of the shastra and the great acaryas is now unfolding before our eyes.

        Hare Krsna

        • Volunteer

          Hare Krishna! Thank You Prabhu!!! :-D

          All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Vaishnavas!!! And to the science of Bhagavatam!

    • Haribol.... hare krishna ..

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