Hare Krishna!!!
Dandwat Pranam,
Just a query, which is not clear, need some clarifications, as somebody was inquiring.
It is believed that Sri Krishna gets into Rasa Dance at Nidhi Van everyday along with Srimati RadhaRani & the Gopis.
Is this factually correct?
If Yes, the period of human night ( 8hrs) every day is infinitesimally small compared to Krishna's time.
Also it is only for night time and not during day time when the gopis are said to convert back as tulasi (vrinda) plants.
So factually this event is not even a continuos process, but alternating between day & night each day.
What is the signifince of this event happening like this everyday.
Awaiting an early response.
Hare Krsna prabhu,
Yes, factually correct. Even today, every night rasa lila happens in Nidhi van.
These pastimes are happening on earth, so earthly timings are being followed. Thats why they happen only during night time.
WHo knows, even if it happens during day time, we will not be able to percieve.
Your servant,
Radha Rasamayi DD
Hare Krsna
Is this factually correct?
It is correct. But, it happens in spiritual realm. Time & space in spiritual realm are not constrained the way it is constrained for us in material realm.
Meaning, if want to be in a place, I need to physically enter that place at a certain time. But Krsna can be in any or all place at any or all times. He can simply appear & disappear magically.
We are constrained by our mind, intelligence, memory etc. We cannot understand these pastimes. Even Brahma whose body is made of pure intelligence could not understand Krsna's pastimes and committed mistake. So we cannnot understant these things with our mental or intellectual perspectives.
Hare Krsna