Hare KRISHNA to all devotees,

please forgive me if i hurt any my dear devotee feelings.


i m indian ( hindu ) live in abroad n just came in krishna consciousness 3 months ago. i went to temple n found association of devotees very nice. n i even hav now started chanting 16 rounds of hare krishna mahamantra.n following 4 regulative principals.

my first question is that why hare krishna movement did not become much popular in india during srila prabhupad ERA ???

why he went to west to preach krishna consciousness? ( n not preached krishna consciousness to various cities in india) ??????

if he went abroad then why mostly hippies at that time joined this movement only ? not people from other religions mainly christians n other religion too ?????????????????????

did srila prabhupad see that hippies r indulged in intoxication n illict sex that he told people in west that follow 4 regulative principals then u will not suffer at all n u will always b happy by chanting this mantra????

why there were no disciples of srila prabhupad at that time in india preaching krishna consciousness so tht it spread like hurricane in india n people started chanting hare krishna mahamantra (atleast hindus if not people from other religions in india   )

was it due to 4 regulative principals that people found it tough to follow n chant ???

i think now a days people of all religions in india in evry home i think (4.5 out of 5 homes evrywhere in india) eat onion n garlic.

so now come to point that why ISKCON shrinked to various countires of the world but not hugely became popular in india at prabhupad time n not even when he left his body??????

india is land of various rishi muni's, acharyas, gurus n not to forget mathura vrindavan, mayapur and so many holy n scared places of hindus .even MAHABHARAT took place in india. n lord krishna took birth in his various incarnations in holy land of india.

why then people in india did not understand ISKCON that lord krishna is supreme personality of GODHEAD n chant this mantra ???????

so why this chanting of hare krishna mahamantra is not found even in 1 house out of 5 houses in india ( no matter wht religion person belongs to in india)



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  • My first question is that why Hare Krishna movement did not become much popular in india during Srila Prabhupada ERA???

    Jaya Srila Prabhupada


    Hari Bol Nityananda Gauranga!

    Indians have been cheated so long by Mayavadis like Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, pseudo gurus and babas. Their faith shrinked. Moreover, Bollywood which is still today mass media, slowly removed morality and spirituality in films and common people followed. Iskcon did not have such strong media. Secondly, Krsna consciousness means surrender to Krsna, not maya. But to get sense enjoyment, you have to serve maya. SO, these Indian embodied souls did not give up their material love. Also, Indians think that we will take sannyasa, leave home and they dislike it. They don’t know that those who surrender to Krsna are no longer indebted to anyone except guru, Vaishnavas, holy names, Lord, other spiritual things. Moreover, leaders of India were always materialist or godless. They took material advancement as goal of life but Goal of life is to attain Love of God.

    Why he went to west to preach Krishna consciousness? (n not preached krishna consciousness to various cities in india) ??????

    Srila Prabhupada knew that Indians were and still today imitating west. So, He said that he started preaching in America which he said to be richest, most powerful country of the world. If American embodied souls became devotees, Indians will too imitate. That was main strategy. He was instructed to go to preach in English speaking  world by his spiritual master.

    If he went abroad then why mostly hippies at that time joined this movement only? Not people from other religions mainly Christians n other religion too?????????????????????

    Slowly, many Muslims, Jews, Christians also joined. But still it is said by our Acharyas, there are four classes of people: karmis, jnanis, yogis and Bhaktas. Bhakta is our real svarupa. Karmis are both pious and sinful. But those who are frustrated with doing karma again or getting entangled in samsara, they either become jnani, yogi or Bhakta. But by Grace of a pure devotee of Lord, they became devotees. There are four types of pious persons who later may become pure devotees: distressed, someone in want of money, inquisitive and those who are searching after Absolute Truth. Hippies were distressed by mainstream pseudo materialists and Christians, they were also inquisitive. So, they easily accepted Krsna consciousness.

    did Srila Prabhupada see that hippies r indulged in intoxication n illicit sex that he told people in west that follow 4 regulative principals then u will not suffer at all n u will always b happy by chanting this mantra????

    First he instructed to chant Hare Krsna and then four regulative principles.

    why there were no disciples of Srila Prabhupada at that time in india preaching krishna consciousness so that it spread like hurricane in india n people started chanting hare krishna mahamantra (atleast Hindus if not people from other religions in india   )

    Why Hindus did not accept Vaishnava religion?

    In material world, all conditioned souls follow temporary religious principles: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, etc. but after many lives of purification by rituals they may accept their eternal religion Bhagavata Dharma or Krsna Bhakti. But today Hindus are in name only, they eat meat, they have illicit sex, they are hypocrites and they make offense of thinking Supreme Lord as some myth or fable or fiction. Also, Our Acharyas say that those who are engaged in karma kanda or jnana kanda both of which are like pots of poison, and are interested in heavenly temporal enjoyment or becoming one with god (which is worst offense to Lord) are not able to chant Hare Krsna or engage in Bhakti due to their extreme faith in karma and jnana.

    Was it due to 4 regulative principals that people found it tough to follow n chant???

    Yes upto some extent. But still as far as I know, Indians were still pious at that time. Main thing was they were misled by Mayavadis, pseudo babas, etc. Also, materialism spreading at that time demanded lack of spiritual faith. They had extreme faith in Avaishnava portions of Vedas like Saivism, smartism, Shaktism,  advaitavada, etc.

    I think now a days people of all religions in India in every home i think (4.5 out of 5 homes everywhere in India) eat onion n garlic.

    Yes. This is degradation. Because they have taken Vedas as myth, god as just some imagination or faith. They are more materialistic.

    So now come to point that why ISKCON shrinked to various countries of the world but not hugely became popular in India at Prabhupada time n not even when he left his body??????

    India is land of various rishi munis, acharyas, gurus n not to forget Mathura vrndavana, mayapur and so many holy n scared places of Hindus .even MAHABHARAT took place in india. n lord krishna took birth in his various incarnations in holy land of india.

    Yes. Because in earlier yugas, Aryans had good faith in scriptures, followed regulative principles. In other parts of world, people were still at animal level or were advancing very slowly towards goal of life. Bharatavarsha is said to be reflection of Vaikuntha in this world.

    Why then people in India did not understand ISKCON that lord Krishna is supreme personality of GODHEAD n chant this mantra???????

    They want material benefits like artha and kama or impersonal moksha. So, they worship demigods or pseudo babas, yogis, gurus. If one is really sincere to find Absolute Truth, Krsna will certainly reveal himself. But if one just wants some external happiness, then they will not reach Absolute Truth except when they get association of pure devotees.

    So why this chanting of Hare Krishna mahamantra is not found even in 1 house out of 5 houses in india (no matter what religion person belongs to in india)

    Because people are more materialistic. They don’t want spiritual bliss because they are thinking that it is myth or just story. Their goal is sense enjoyment or impersonal liberation, not getting shelter of Supreme Lord who is Absolute Truth Infinite.

    • Volunteer

      Srila Prabhupada tried very hard to preach Krishna Consciousness in India. He was publishing Back to Godhead and used to go to Delhi from Vrindavan daily to distribute them.

      Once even he fell unconscious because of heat and he tried very hard but none heard him here in India because they considered this science of Krishna as an old aged ancient thing.

      But were following western culture. 

      So Srila Prabhupada went and made west Aryans then white elephants, as Srila Prabhupada used to call his Disciples from west, came to India and told 'we started to take this - Your culture so please now come to Your consciousness and accept Krishna Naam!'

      Your servant, 

  • Sevak

    Hare Krishna pr
    It is very pleasing that you have received Krishna Consciousness so enthusiastically and sincerely. I will try to address your queries.
    1. why hare krishna movement did not become much popular in india during srila prabhupad ERA ??? KC movement did become popular in India during Prabhupad's lifetime itself. Prabhupad built so many large temples in India - like in Mayapur, Vrindavan, Mumbai, Kolkata, etc. But this was after he built temples in the west. He made many lifemembers and disciples in India. In the earlier part of his life when Srila Prabhupad(SP ) was grihastha, he was not able to spread KC very widely.
    2. why he went to west to preach krishna consciousness?
    He went to the west upon the instruction of his spiritual master Srila Bhakt siddhanta saraswati. He had tried preaching in Delhi, Jahnsi, Allahabad etc, but was not very successful.
    3. if he went abroad then why mostly hippies at that time joined this movement only ? not people from other religions mainly christians n other religion too ?
    SP made available KC to almost everyone. But hippies were special. They were a class of frustrated people who had rejected the mainstream society/govt due to its selfcenteredness/ war recruitment etc and decided to look for something higher. Their policy was - Don't listen to anyone above 40. So in search for a higher experience they would involve in drugs intoxication and sex. This coincided with SP arrival in USA and SP used their search for looking for a higher experience in giving then KC. In the later part KC did reach the other class of peopls - like George Harrison, Henry ford etc. The hippies all belonged to other religions - mainly christians & Jews. In fact the christian chruches were so surprised that these people never went to church seriously but were dedicating their lives to KC movement.
    4. did srila prabhupad see that hippies r indulged in intoxication n illict sex that he told people in west that follow 4 regulative principals then u will not suffer at all n u will always b happy by chanting this mantra????
    Srila prabhupad first gave them the mahamantra in the form of music. he made them chant hare Krishna. He knew the habits of hippies, he also knew the power of Holy name. After they began chanting regularly for a few months, then SP told them about the regulative principles. Yes SP told them that holy name can delver them from everything including the material world what to speak of sins of this lifetime.

    5. why there were no disciples of srila prabhupad at that time in india preaching krishna consciousness so tht it spread like hurricane in india n people started chanting hare krishna mahamantra
    There wer many disciples of SP in India - HH Giriraj Swami, HH Jaypataka swami, HH Bhakt caru swami and many many other disciples were actively involved in preaching KC. Regarding spreading of KC we have to understand that we as devotees can only make our best efforts in presenting KC to others in the best possible manner. Whether they accept it and how seriously they take to it, it is dependent on their free-will. SP never diluted the philosophy and always insisted on giving up all sinful habits, this is not an easy thing for people in general, even in India.
    6. was it due to 4 regulative principals that people found it tough to follow n chant ???
    certianly following 4 regulative principles strictly for the rest of lifetime is not an easy feat. But what is important is that it is easy by practicing devotional service in association of devotees. Many of them may get scared at the thought of giving it up altoether and continue with the regular materialistic life

    7. why then people in india did not understand ISKCON that lord krishna is supreme personality of GODHEAD n chant this mantra ???????
    so why this chanting of hare krishna mahamantra is not found even in 1 house out of 5 houses in india ( no matter wht religion person belongs to in india)

    Your eagerness to spread the Holy name is extremely inspiring prabhu. But we have to understand that this place we are in is material world, which consists of people who want to enjoy seperate from Krishna. And the age we are living is kali yuga, which is worst of the lot for in terms of spiritual culture. Consider this place as a hosiptal where people are mentally ill and consider themselves to be perfectly healthy. SP is the doctor with the medicine of the Holy name. It is not possible to cure the diseased if they do not take the medicine. The doctor can at best present the medicine and persuade them to take it. But ultimately it is up to the person whether he takes it or not.
    Being in India, place of saintly people, dhams etc only makes the medicine easily available. But there is the free will whether they take it or not. It is always going to be there. One thing what we can be sure is that anyone who is even a little interested in spirituality will definitely be give the opportunity by mercy of LCM. But characteristic of kali yuga is that people are not interest even a little bit.

    I hope I am able to address your queries.

    YS Bharat

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