Hello everyone i am posting after 2 years here i used to suffer from schizophrenia i used to see demons and i was on strict medication for life long. Till i met this girl about an year ago she changed me totally i started loving her and my illness soon got cured and she made me develope a career in music she made me an artist in the edm industry i also released a song globally and it went up to progressive house charts hit top 100 on beatport she is the reason i am cured totaly the disease which was supposed to be without a cure now has been cured by her love when she came to know about my song hitting top 100 she got so happy she kissed my forehead and said i want to see you on the mainstage of sunburn music festival. See a boy who was dying of madnesss had no cure is now on such heights and wants to be on main stage of sunburn she changed me so much i want to marry her one day but is loving a girl legal as per krishna consciousness what are the precautions i have to take while living with her i dont wanna offend principles of srila prabhupada but i also love her cant live without her what should i do. Please help me your guidance would mean a lot to me she loves me a lot she gave me a new life now she wants me to marry her she is a muslim girl btw not exactly muslim her dad is a hindu brahman and mom is a muslim please guide me
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Good question no wrong answer w/God. Free will & unconditional eternal love and such. Taking the Elavater to the love & respect, energies wormth & light of God's love & qnique self. Again, transendental is not nessacaryly conducive to optimum personal progress.
This mantra like The Head God, is different. He indeed does recamend refering to Himsels personally & acpting Hi's loving concel as best! But Cow killing is a constant constipation of all system's espeshely God's Own, "To Poprotevtiin of the innocent"s.
So in no way is bogusStanch of cow-butchery KOSHER w/Krishna! So That's that!?
Abhay chauhan > Walter Cloud ShaktimanahDasaJanuary 22, 2018 at 12:37am
This mantra like The Head God, is different. He indeed does recamend refering to Himsels personally & acpting Hi's loving concel as best! But Cow killing is a constant constipation of all system's espeshely God's Own, "To Poprotevtiin of the innocent"s.
So in no way is bogusStanch of cow-butchery KOSHER w/Krishna! So That's that!?
Hare Krsna
Is it okay to love a girl ?
Yes. It is the innate propensity of living entity to love.
But the highest realization is to understand that to love anyone else we have to first love Krsna. Directly loving someone else is incomplete.
What are the precautions i have to take while living with her i dont wanna offend principles of srila prabhupada
First one should take to practice of Krsna consciousness. Then propose practice of KC to you partner.
Then one can enter grihatha ashram with the desired partner after duly performing wedding rituals. And follow principles of grihastha ashram.
Details are here http://ebooks.iskcondesiretree.com/pdf/00_-_More/Grihastha_Manual.pdf
YS Bharat