Is it an offense to tell the truth?

A devotee asks for help with housing. A devotee then gives that devotee some housing. The devotee then lies, steals etc etc etc  in return. So what to do? Do you keep your mouth shut so you are not considered being "offensive" ? Or do you tell the truth and warn other devotees so they won't make the mistake of allowing that devotee into their home?

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  • I am not a "real devotee". I am a "real demon".  I am tired of being attacked at my job by people who hate me and wish I were dead.  The only thing I have to look forward to in life  is death. But I don't really want to die right now because I have to provide a home for my cats.

    • Volunteer

      Dear-most Pandora Mataji!

      Please, please, please urgently find sincere Devotees and be in their association for few days or even month.

      When i have hatred even to a single person i feel myself miserable. So how much it may be Your condition. How much i understand You.

      Please leave such people for some time at least and be in the association of SINCERE DEVOTEES.

      Maybe You will come to Mayapur Parikrama this year? Or to Kirtan mela? It will start on 27th of February, 2014.

      Previous year Kirtan mela was amazing!!!

      So please try to use this chance.

      Give Your cats to some other Devotees for some time.

      Your servant,  

      • Hare Krishna Bhaktin Maral

        I will be in the association of the sincere advanced devotees this Saturday morning at my Temple. I love my Temple and all of the devotees. I always feel so much better when I go to my Temple. I am hoping that in my next life that I will be at the same Temple again.

        I hope to visit India again some day. I have never been to Mayapur but have been to Vrindavan

        twice. My cats are very  very old.  I could never give my cats away to anyone else.

  • What if he took from you the elements that would have caused you to get robbed and killed for in the near future? Are you going to also mention that when you say the bad things he's done against you? Hehe
  • Hare Krishna dean

    Thank you for your comments but I disagree. It is so nice that we can agree to disagree in a respectable manner. If you know that devotees are going to get "ripped off" then you have a responsibility to warn the other devotees BEFORE it happens.

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Pandora mataji,


    In my opinion, one should learn the lesson that is there. That one should not blindly trust anyone thinking this is a devotee. One must use one's intelligence and judge people for what they are and not bracket them as devotee and become blind. Please remember that the best of us is trying to be a devotee. We are at best sadhakas.

    My advise to you would be to learn your lesson and move on. Do not let your concentration deviate from Krsna. These are tests maya puts us through to see how realised we have become. In the name of feeling bad for a devotee/ group of devotees, you are spending time thinking bad for someone and bang - u forgot to think about Krsna!!! Each one of us are responsible for our own actions and we bear the fruits of our actions. That is true for both set of devotees in this case.

    Personally, I try to learn from the temple the philosophy and make an effort to stay away from the politics that is bound to happen in a place which is full of aspiring sadhakas. Like I said, mayadevi will flex her tentacles everywhere and test us at every second.

    Keep your goal in mind and be focused.

    I hope I have not offended you.



    • Hare Krishna Rashmi

      Thank you for your comments and insight. I am moving on. I have enough of my own problems to work on. I have to work on improving myself.

  • Truth that benefits others should be told. And even if a lie can save a million worth speaking.

    Hari Bola.

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna mataji,


    In that case, stop treating that person as a devotee. Temple management should issue notices to everyone that they will give their premises to this person at their own risk. If this is happening regularly, then anyways the whole devotee community is already aware of it.

    Why is this concerning you so much mataji?



    • Hare Krishna Rashmi

      I am not sure why it bothers me so much. I guess I just hate to see loving kind devotees getting ripped off in exchange for their kindness to that devotee. They give that devotee a nice home and that is how they are repaid in return. It's not right.

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