I want to move into the Temple

I am an older lady but not old enough to get social security yet. However, when I can get social security I would like to quit my job and move into the Temple. However, I have a bad back and other problems which means I would not be able to mop the Temple floor. I really don't know what kind of

work I could do. Do they even want an old person with a bad back to move into the Temple? What should I do now to prepare myself to work at the Temple? Should I take computer classes? What kind of computer classes would be best? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.

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  • I was misinformed. I had thought people could rent a room at the Temple. I just now found out that only the people who can do full time Temple service can move into the Temple. They don't rent out rooms at my Temple. I can just rent a room near the Temple instead when I get social security. That will work out fine.

    • Volunteer

      Hare Krishna dear Pandora Hinson Mataji, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      Yes, most Temples do not allow Matajis to live inside the Temple but i know retired Matajis who moved closer to the Temple and visit all Temple programs like: Mangala Arati, all other Aratis, Bhagavatam classes, ...but live outside.

      usually they do garland seva. i mean they make garlands or sew clothes to the Deities or cook for Deities. not washing floors or other hard services. There are enough strong Brahmacharis who can do that.

      If You learn may be cooking, or sewing or making jewelery for Deities or sewing bead bags with lots of different images ...something creative would be very needful.  

      Your servant, 

      • Volunteer

        also to take care of Tulasi Maharani - it is great science! You can find out from Books here or at Your Temple there.

        • Hare Krishna Bhaktin Maral

          Thank you for your suggestions. Here in the USA they do allow Matajis who are healthy enough to do full time service to live inside at the Temples.  I should probably see about maybe taking some cooking or sewing  classes.



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