Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I have a accepted a great devotee, a great preacher and a gem of within ISKCON as my spiritual master within my heart. But it almost seems impossible that I ever get to even meet, what to speak of getting initiated. I am praying to Krishna everyday so that He might arrange the future so nicely that I get to meet him and be his disciple. What shall I do, prabhujis/matajis?

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  • Imho, the problem is in "to meet him and be his disciple". Guru is your guide for eternity. Someone standing by your side whom you trust 108%, who knows you better than you know yourself.

    Hari Bhakti Vilasa 1.101 states:

    anyathA dvayor api mahA-doSaH


    yo vAkti nyAya-rahitaM
    anyAyena zRNoti yaH
    tAv ubhau narakaM ghoraM
    vrajataH kAlam akSayam

    anyathA—otherwise; dvayoH—of them both; api—also; mahA-doSaH—great faults;
    zrI-nArada-paJcarAtre—in zrI NArada-paJcarAtra; yaH—one who; vAkti—speaks;
    nyAya-rahitam—without logic; anyAyena—without logic; zRNoti—hears; yaH—who;
    tAv—both; ubhau—both; narakam—to hell; ghoram—terrible; vrajataH—go;
    kAlam—time; akSayam—without end.

    A Great Fault on Both Sides

    In Sri Narada-pancaratra it is said:

    "A spiritual master who speaks wrongly, without logic, and a disciple who hears wrongly, without logic, both go to a terrible hell for a long time that seems not to end."

    Commentary by Srila Sanatana Gosvami

    A disciple who does not properly examine his spiritual master before initiation, or who does not properly serve him, commits a great fault. This verse describes a situation where either the disciple or the spiritual master did not properly test the other before initiation.

    Hari Hari
    ys J.

  • Hare Krsna,

    First know how to serve guru, do disciple course, then try to know who are all close to your GM and how they allow or if they allow new comers to meet GM. One year you have to observe the system and closely watch how they solve or can solve your problems, then think of getting initiated. 

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