Hare krishna devotees
All glories to prabhupad
Plz kindly help me with a Practical Constructive Solution to tackle my Grihastha problem. I m a married devotee and suffering in my grihastha life because of my husband's lusty attitude.With days passing, things are really getting tough; I m trying my best to carry all the devotional activities properly but my husband on other side is trying to enjoy sex life as much as possible, I m fed up of his behavior. Initially he was trying to improve but again he started exhibiting the same behavior and he daily demands sex and asks me to do many dirty things which I can't describe here. Yet I m sorry for writing all this but I really frustrated not able to understand what to do ; if I try to stay away from him then he starts judging My character questioning about having any outside affair. This makes me angry and things end up with a fight while he trying to break the house objects during which I get much scared, Plz kindly tell me what should I do under these circumstances??? I m really under great Stress 😔
Ur Insignificant servant
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Hare Krishna,
Looks like you want to be Sanaysini. Just sit with your husband and talk it out. Let him know that you want to take up Sanyas.
If you like sex but only a part of it don't want to do those ''dirty things" let ur husband know it .. talk discuss things with him.
If you call in police and scare him. .. You can permanantly damage the relationship. All you will have is a husband and a marriage liscense plate hanging in your neck ( Status: married) but then he will go out and satisfy his lust. In worst case scenario he will try to torture you by getting into the house the prostitutes and sleeping with them ( Because now all society will know that you don't give him anything) society will say she doesn't give him so he gets woman. It is not his fault. His wife is useless. You just will be left as a maid servent serving him and his prostitute girls food and drinks and clean their room. You will be treated as a maid servant in your own home. If you want this to happen. You just call the police. Even if you just call to scare also, he throw you out of house and call his parents and your parents make it a scene ...and tell them .. to take your daughter away she is not providing me and being a wife to me. She has others or she is sanayasini.. You want this to happen. You want to put your life out on the roads then why call police. Just call your inlawas and parents to come home and sit with them tell them your problems.. Your expectations. he will tell his expectations. you tell.. I don't like him or his ways. I want a divorce. and get out of this marriage. Be a Sanyasini.
If you have love for ur husband and want to continue this marriage. Then talk it out with him ... This is my expectations ... this is what I don't like to do. This is how I want you to behave with me.
Well....Looks like you don't love him.
Woman are more emotional beings. They love is in talking.. laughing .. spending time romantic words.
Men's love more animal ways physical. Man can do sex with anyone to and sleep around with anyone easily. They don't have any emotions also. They are just like animals enjoying with prostitutes. Woman cannot become physical with someone deeply unless she is aroused emotionally.
A emotional man is tough to find as much as an emotionless female.
When man become emotional he is in love and his tool is not hard at that time.
When a man become aroused he is no longer having any love in heart. He just can use anyone ( prostitute also ) to fulfill his needs.
Your person is not in love with you when he is looking at you as an object a peice which satisfies his needs.
Ask him to show love.
Woman when in love can go to any extent...
Love and lust are different.
I would suggest you to sit with your husband and talk it out peacfully and ask him to show love. Tell we married hurridely,.. ( i am supposing it was an arranged marriage???)
if so then just say to him that lets spend time with each other for an year or 6 months... so.. lets date. If you make me feel love for you maybe....
as of now I feel frightened by your acts or throwing things and breaking things. In this firery mood I cannot give you sex as I am an emotional being.
As him to get flowers, greeting cards.. start by staying in different rooms in the same home.
Unless you want to breakup with him and stay as sanyasini. If thats the case then give it up and go ahead call police... call inlaws and parents make a big scene.. say I am unfit for satisfying him. I want to breakup and take up brahmacharini life.
My practical suggestion is to first talk to husband in cool manner. Show love to him. respect him and his intensions and slowly tell ur expectations.
Well, If you go out to police also.. the police would say surely .. what he is asking is not unnatural. He is a human and a male and he married you for sex.
Marriage is a liscense for sex. Atleast you husband is not going to prostitutes. Save your marriage yourself. Society will find faults with you dear.
Fristly they will question your chastity and then they will say she is useless she became sanyasini so he is absolutely right in taking the step and he is not at fault.
hare krishna
Hare Krsna Mataji
Do you have the woman police helpline number. Call the police next time he breaks a thing. The police always call back to confirm. Then you can say it has been sorted out since that should scare him for the time being.
Hare Krsna Mataji
You need to be firm. Breaking things is not done. But Gayatri mataji is also right. You can permanently fracture the relationship if you call your parents or in laws what to speak of the police. That is only if things get out of hand. Your husband has emotions too. He is possessive, angry, jealous and suspicious. If you involve a third party, then again as Gayatri mataji said it will create a tamaasha and he may start looking for sex outside marriage.
From what I perceive, I think you are newly married, not more than five years. If tommorow you have a child, then biological changes will also come and you won't be able to give him that much attention also. He may seek sex outside marriage then also.
It all depends upon the extremity of the situation. How much can you tolerate. Breaking things is not done. It is a masculine attempt to show a man's physical superiority which actually it is not since it is applied to the weaker sex. Aurat ke saamne mardaangi dikhaani.
Please consider the pros and cons carefully before coming to any decision.
Hari Bol