How to manage spirituality and material life

I'm Working in a company as a part time worker and I'm preparing for govt. Jobs also doing 64 rounds of hare Krishna mahamantra is it necessary to hear lectures and reading shastra ,can I only chant 64 rounds without going temple, hearing, reading till I get my dream ?

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    If you are chanting 64 rounds daily it may not be possible for you to hear lectures or read scriptures. But in order to continue to chant Hare Krsna Mahamantra we need inspiration. Srimad Bhagavatam gives is that inspiration. Assoiation of devotees should also be giving us that inspiration. 

    Hare Krsna

  • Hare Krishna, AGTSP

    The point of Reading KC books is to know why to chant Hare Krishna Maha mantra so My Humble Obidiences to you Prabhu as You are Chanting 64 rounds .Keep Chanting 64 rounds .as Srila Prabhupada said Chanting is the Highest Seva. In Kaliyuga god is available in His Holy Name .The holy name is More merciful than Krishna . Manish Prabhu you can keep 10- 15 mins every day or 3 days a week for Reading Prabhupada books since that is association of Srila Prabhupada the pure devotee

  • Hare Krishna Prabhu ji,

    If Lord does only one activity lets only down pour of rain and nothing else. no sun, no moon are you okay?

    One must do all activities of devotional activities .. there are 9 parts of devotional activities.

    1.Shravanam  ( hearing) 2.Kirtanam ( singing praise of Lord, chanting, kirtan).. 3.Vishnoh Smaranam thinking about Lord and HIS activities).,  4.Paadasevanam ( seva of the Lord's feet),

    5.Archanam ( doing devotional activity)...6. Vandanam( prostration),  7.Daasyam ( seva)...8.Sakhyam ( being friend of Lord)..9. Aatmanivedanam ( self- surrender).

    Now all the activities or atleast some activities of the 9 marga of Bhakti should be taken up.

    Chanting of Lord's name is best seva , But to get feeling or bhava or emotion for Lord. You must read about Lord's glories. 

    One who reads books.......gets lost in the pastimes of Lord constantly contemplates on them.. then he starts to explain the pastimes with awe and amazement to all. 

    eyes become pavitra ( by reading Lord's pastimes)

    Mind become shudh ( by contemplating on pastimes).

    Mouth becomes pure ( by saying glorifying Lord's pastimes to others and spreading KC) plus Chanting.

    Have you seen how mad a person becomes in love of Lord who is lost in pastimes of Lord. He will run here and there to get some one to explain about Lord. He cannot stop telling about Lord's glories. Even if the other person is not listening and not interested also this person lost himself in Lord's pastimes glorifies Lord in singing, dancing, narrating, enacting Lord's pastimes. He becomes so humble that he startes to see Lord in everything, everyone.. that he starts holding feet of all thinking oh my lord is seen in you. ( padasevanam), does pooja, vandanam, ( archana ).. he starts to establish a relationship with Lord. feeding Lord milk, daily starts to feel he is Lord's mother, brother,sister, wife.. friend and sevak. 

    have you not seen.. that all these stages have started from a basic step that is reading about the glorious pastimes of Lord... then singing, remembering, narrating, chanting, kirtana,... etc etc. 

    All parts of bhakti are equally important!!! each one is related to another.

    even if you recite 64 mala also if you dont feel that love for Lord in which you lose ur self and dance around singing forgetting everything and dancing like mad man. how can lord hear those 64 malas?

    Ofcourse 64 malas chanting is not easy its a great task. but for getting taste in chanting. you must involve all the other marga also into ur bhakti practice to get madhuryam in the bhakti otherwise simply chanting like machine which one is better? 

    how will you get bhava when you don't do seva for Lord. When you don't cook for Lord, when you dress up Lord . when you dance for Lord. When you sing for Lord? When you don't surrender to Lord fully where is the way out?

    Tell me one simple thing...

    You have mouth so you are chanting. If someone is dumb how he will express his love for Lord?

    He will dance

    okay if he has no feet?

    then he will do seva sitting at one place doing devotional service..  Okay if he has no hands also now?

    He will read books , he has eyes He will see lord's photo and deity and read glories of Lord.

    okay now no eyes also then?

    He will just see Lord thru his mind's eye and does atma samarpan to Lord says in his mind itself all the prayers, chanting, devotional service ( atma nivedanam).

    You got so lucky see..

    Lord gave you all faculties eyes, ears, nose, mouth,legs, hands, mind also and you are want to use only one or few facilities only.

    Do one thing when chanting 64 rounds itself., close ur eyes and imagine you doing all devotional activites. reading books, enjoying with Lord, listening to lectures then you are experience real bliss.

    Hare Krishna



    • Thank you mata ji ji for clearing my doubts


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