How to download VEDABASE-2003 version

Hare krishna to all vaishnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

I tried to download latest version of VEDABASE i.e 2003, but unfortunately I could get only pre-1978 edition.

so, kindly help me to suggest the URL or website of the that I can download it.

your aspiring servant


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    Tomb of the Mask
    Tomb Of The Mask will take you to explore mysterious tombs deep underground. You will be transformed into a tomb to explore the mysterious undergroun…
  • - NB: The 2003.1 version of the Vedabase also works on non-Windows operating systems using Crossover from This download includes the 2019 update from the Bhaktivedanta Archives as well as the optional unicode addon. Hurray Krishna!

    • Note, Intel has published a whitepaper that proposes a new Intel x86-S architecture. It will end 32Bit OS's support but not for 32Bit applications! Ref. - "Using the simplified segmentation model of 64-bit for segmentation support for 32-bit applications, matching what modern operating systems already use." So, apparently 32Bit applications, including DeskBot with the MSAgents update for Windows 8/8.1+ (and MSAgents themselves), are going to be supported perpetually on Intel processors for an indefinite length of time, even if 32Bit OS's aren't supported by Intel anymore, "matching what modern (x86-64Bit) operating systems already use!" Great stuff! Hurray Intel, because that means that the 32Bit 2003.1 Vedabase will be supported on Intel x86-S computers indefinitely into the future! Jai! laughing

      Intel Explores Transition to 64-Bit-Only x86S Architecture
      Legacy pruning of the architecture is outlined in a new Intel whitepaper.
    • Installation in Crossover is the same as for on Windows.


      • "CrossOver for Mac is a compatibility layer application, based on the Wine project, that lets you play Windows games on your Apple computer. This app works on both Intel and M1/M2 Macs, and supports a wide selection of Windows games and other software." Codeweavers are on top of it, it seems! "Crossover (the commercial wine version) does run 32-bit windows binaries on apple silicon though (subject to the same compatibility issues as wine)." Great news! Still untested with the Vedabase but something's better than nothing! If anyone gets the Vedabase installed on an Apple Silicon based 64-bit computer please share that information herein. I personally don't know about that (yet) being a PC user. Hopefully the 32-bit Vedabase will prove to be one such application that works in that way on MacOS silicon computers using Crossover! Jai!

        • CrossOver 24 runs more games and works with 32-bit apps

          "CrossOver 24 is based on the recently released Wine 9.0, which has more than 7,000 changes that improve performance when running a variety of apps. One of these changes is better support for running 32-bit apps on modern versions of macOS, which are 64-bit only. Since Apple removed support for 32-bit software from macOS Catalina, it was no longer possible to run older software on newer Macs running the latest versions of macOS. But thanks to improvements in Wine 9.0, CrossOver can once again run 32-bit software on a 64-bit system."

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