Hare Krishna Prabhuji / Mataji
Dandvat Pranam 🙏 Please accept my humble obeisances.
Please forgive me if I say anything wrong.
I am 16 years old, connected with Krsna Consciousness for around 1 year (through online means only). My exams are going on and I am having very much time but I am wasting it all. Like earlier I used to chant 16 rounds, wake up early, book reading and lectures and many more things but nowadays I am not chanting, not doing anything, not even studying. I am just watching YouTube and playing games. I am also keep breaking the illicit sex principle and I am not having any guilt for that, neither I am not having guilt for not chanting. Each time when I try to come back I have this feeling that I will again cheat Lord Krsna and Srila Prabhupada Ji, so I am just stuck with Maya. I am not able to reach my spiritual mentor since I think that He would be sad or dissatisfied with me. Please guide me how may I again practice Krsna Consciousness and never leave it again.
Hare Krishna
Thank you Prabhuji
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna,
Keep yourself very busy. Donot be free at all because idle mind is a devil's workshop. Chant Chant and Chant whenever you are free. Whenever your mind is thinking of bad stuff immediately chant. Don't think of chanting as a 2 hours exercise of mouth and whole day using mind in bad stuff. Use whole time for chanting.
Restrict yourself from watchig girls or being in their company. Stop watching porn and watching Youtube as youtube is also spoiling as the youtube is addictive.
Time to fight against maya. You may fall many times but Pick urself up. You can do it!
Take bath whenever you feel aggitated and sit with fresh body and mind to chant.
Make of habit of taking bath with cold water.
Sleep early at night and wake up early and take a bath.
If you need to take bath in the middle of night because maya is disturbing you and you doing bad stuff go take bath with cold water
come and sit and chant.
If water supply is not there go out to walk in fresh air.
Never be alone always be with family. If you are alone you will try to do bad things. Always make some elder to be with you.
do household chores.
Clean house help parents If you have too much energy use it . Ask your mom to give you work like cleaning dishes or cleaning floors.
Develop hobbies like painting or cooking.
Learn cooking kid it is so useful to learn in present day. As tomorrow you can live alone without dependence can make your own food. ( esp. how to make Bhoga to offer to Krishna).
Stop all eating of Onion garlic and eggs or whatever tea coffe.
Go to temple and ask them to give you some job voluntarily do cleaning floors in temple or washing deity utensils or making garlands.
Keep urself very very busy you are 16 and you are high energy. You need to burn that somehow and rest of time chant.
people fall down to learn.
We cannot learn anything without falling down. 10 times we fall down from bicycle to learn it finally. It is okay to fall down you get experience. Next time you know what is the one which is triggering your passion.
Now avoid that situation or circumstance totally.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Hare Krishna.
Thank you so much Mataji
Mataji I have a fear, like I do nonsense stuff and then I ask for forgiveness but again I do nonsense stuff. I have skipped my Sadhna for whole 7 days and I think that if I again continue, after sometime I will again skip it and do nonsense stuff. Mataji Please guide how may I overcome my porn addiction and youtube and games and anime addiction.
I told you not to be alone, be always with elders even at night time ask some elder to stay with you or sleep with you.
keep urselves very very active. Don't not waste even single minute idle.
Don't skip sadhana at any cost.
Even if you did bad stuff .. take a bath and continue sadhana.
day by day as your sadhana increases and becomes consistent you will realize that maya leaves slowly. But if you leave sadhana then you are totally doomed.
hare krishna
Thank you Mataji I will follow
Hare Krishna