
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna dear devtee.  The answer from shastra you may be looking for.

    I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Syämasundara, Krsna Himself with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love.

    Nowadays also the devotees see Him in Vraja in their hearts, saturated with devotion although they do not see Him with their eyes. The eye of devotion is nothing but the eye of the pure unalloyed spiritual self of the jiva. The form of Krsna is visible to that eye in proportion to its purification by the practice of devotion.When the devotion of the neophyte reaches the stage of bhäva-bhakti the pure eye of that devotee is tinged with the salve of love by the grace of Krsna, which enables him to see Krsna face to face. The phrase "in their hearts" means Krsna is visible in proportion as their hearts are purified by the practice of devotion.

     Please read the complete purport from Brahma Samitha  5.38 slowly and think about it deeply.

    I hope this is what you are searching for. 

  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    Dear Sonakshipriya Mataji,


    We believe in shabda pramana of the Vedas.  Just like you have faith because you trust you mother when she tells you that Mr. X is your father.  Your mother is in the position of knowing who your father is and you trust her.  Similarly you trust Krishna and his words are the Vedas which are Shabda Pranama.  This is science which cannot be proven by means of material sense but spiritual sense, since we are not perfect i.e. we do not have the spiritual eyes to gain knowledge.. we have to rely on the Vedas.  We are covered by imperfect material sense therefore we have to take the words of the Vedas, which was spoken by Krishna in Whom we trust, and his Sadhus and Gurus.


    The Sadhus, Gurus speak only what comes from the Vedas, so we can see that they are following the science as presented in the Vedas by Shabda Pranama.  This part has dealt with the issue of science.


    How can we we see Krishna through Shastras, Sadhus and Guru as an art.  I hope that I have understood you in that you would like to know about the shape or form colour etc.  In the Vedas it's described to us about Krishna.  With our imperfect senses we follow the Vedas in Shabda Pranama  and try to present Krishna in the art form, fully aware that Krishna is inconceivable through these material senses.  So we have to hear from the Shastras of Krishna's descriptions but to appreciate him in His full Glory we have to qualify to go to Goloka Vrindavana.




    • Please forgive spelling errors.. where pranama should be pramana



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