
  • harekrishna


    i checked with a senior devotee, advised to chant harekrishna maha mantra loudly.. thats all haribol
  • Hare Krishna,

    Pranayam, that is mentioned in Gita (controlling of pran and apan), cleanses the chakras or nadis, the energy plexes in human body. Thakurji has said that we should do pranayam. Do pranayam with surrender. There is other stuff out there, like many many types of meditations that open up your chakras. Chakras hold memories and attachments and Gita says let go of your attachments and leave all the subjects that bother you and only think about HIM. Its a vast subject

    But truth of the fact is that nothing gives more wisdom, peace and love than HIS name. Bhakti  and love for him is the answer for everything.

  • Hare Krishna. Thanks to all for your comments. And a special "Thank you" to Apura Agarwal who explained everything so nicely.

  • Volunteer

    What i read is that , Some yogi's can hold prana on thier head's and at a particular time

    if they give up their body ,they are liberated . This process of holding Prana is called Kundalini .

  • Volunteer

    Thanks for this knowledge .

    those who believe in meditation ,they are very much interested in Siddhi's and Kundalini .

  • Hare Krishna Mata ji,


    I practiced in my past for 5 years on chakras...But that practise remain temporary.But still I believe that if you give flowers to Krishna then all the chakras remain open always.

    Also,Hare Krishna Mahamantra is reply to our every question.

    Your servent,


    • Volunteer

      Hare Krsna Sandeep Kakkar Prabhu ,

      For sharing your experience with the process of Chakra's .

  • Volunteer

    so much knowledge of chakras Apurv Prabhu! Very good.

    So it seems Devotees are already doing it all even unknowingly.

    So Devotion to Krishna includes all other yogis. We are so fortunate.

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

    includes all those syllables above...but we do not care of that much, Srila Prabhupada told us to chant as if child cries for his mother, isn't it?! 

    Your servant, 

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